From the moment we get up in the morning until the end of the day we are constantly making decisions. Some decisions come instantly others take some minor decision processing like what will you eat or wear for work. Some decisions are already made for us. For example, most companies have a dress code or require a uniform.
Your drive is obstructed by construction and a detour sign directs you to a side road then back to the main street. When life is predictable, mundane and expected not much is required in making decisions.
After a while trust in the Lord, like a muscle can become underdeveloped or result in atrophy. What was appreciated becomes expected and taken for granted. We quickly learn how little we trust until a crisis or some other event suddenly alters our normal routine.
To cultivate trust is to present to the Lord every decision. Yes, every decision throughout the day. By doing so, we are fulfilling the Scripture to pray without ceasing.
Lord, should I send this email? Give me wisdom in how I should respond.
God does this outfit draw attention away from Christ and puts me as an object for someone to stumble over? Or am I dressing this way because I want (him or her) at work to notice me?
Help me to pick out the best and healthy foods for lunch because God this is your temple. You know how much I like fried and sweet foods.
But it’s the major decisions which trouble us the most because we can’t see the distant future, so to speak, of the consequences that might result. This could be asking the Lord for a mate, taking a job in a different state, or what do with a rebellious teenager etc.
Proverbs 16:33 says, “We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall” (NLT). The word determine in the original means judgment. In other words, we present our petitions to God with thanksgiving and let Him have full say in the matter. We must learn to leave the decision in the Lord’s lap. We are not to pick it up and toy with it. Rather,we let the Lord examine (or judge) our heart's intent, so whatever He decides, all honor and glory is given to Him, alone.
To trust God means to be patient, wait and endure while he “judges” our petitions. The best decision is the decision the Lord makes because it will always produce peace.
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