Saturday, December 26, 2015

Seeing Jesus in 2016

During the transfiguration when the disciples witnessed Moses and Elijah speaking to Christ, the Scripture tells us they fell flat on their faces when they heard the voice of God. Moments later they looked up only to see Jesus (Matthew 17:7).

May 2016 be a transformative year for us beloved and the body of Christ. May the scales of unbelief fall from our eyes and our ears open to the Spirit of God.

This was Paul's desire for the Ephesian church in Ephesians 1:18. "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people" (NIV).

Beloved, let's resolve that 2016 be the year we clearly discern the voice of God by mediating on His word daily. We must choose to put aside the things in our lives that cause confusion and feed into our fears. With so many anxious and fearful voices in our world; the one voice that will always subdue our trembling hearts is the Lord's sweet and firm voice to guide us through very dark days ahead.

Only He knows what 2016 holds so it's important that we follow His voice that will lead us to safety and rest. He has made a way through and out of every circumstance we will encounter in the New Year.

To listen is to trust which lends to open eyes to see Him clearly at work on our behalf.

The disciples were flat on their faces on the ground but it took looking up at Jesus to be at peace. He was not going to harm them but rather comfort their hearts.

So let us say in 2016 like the writer of Hebrews. "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man." (Hebrews 2:9 KJV).

2016 will be a very interesting year where we will be asked to look up into His eyes when all around us is sinking ground. Remember the words of Jesus in Luke 21:28, "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." (NIV). Hold to the promise His return is soon. Comfort your hearts beloved with this truth.

Lastly, to my beloved Russian sisters and brothers in Christ. The Lord will be sending a sweeping revival throughout your land. The young will abandon drinking to drink from wells of salvation. Your husband will be your defender not your adversary. And wives who have prayed for long weary nights will have joy in the morning. Look up my beloved Russian church, the Lord says, your redemption draws near!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

He Will Overshadow You

No other time in our history do people all over the world desire protection. Daily the media informs us of countries in conflict. A flood of displaced people flee into neighboring countries. Terrorists gun down innocent lives in Paris. In a California, a couple killed those attending a Christmas party.

On a personal level, there is that dreaded phone call or unexpected medical report. You feel vulnerable and alone. The Psalmist expressed it well. "And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest" (Psalms 55:6 KJV).

We have a deep yearning for spiritual protection that brings peace and a strong measure of security. There are dark spiritual forces at work that no physical military can conquer. Even politicians with their rhetoric to secure our borders or prevent another terrorist attack can not ease national fears.

Mary was a young virgin woman living in such a fearful time. The Romans ruled the known world and oppressed nations like Israel. The religious rulers were to be a shepherd of God's people. Instead they stifled their spiritual life with the weight of the law and rules of their own making. When the Holy Spirit caused Mary to conceive, she was vulnerable to her betrothed divorcing her thus leaving her unprotected and shamed by her community.

How comforting the words of the angel. "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God" (Luke 1:35 KJV)

Beloved, I believe these words are true for this Christmas season and for all our days. Psalms 91:1 says, "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." (NIV).

There is a place of protection for those who chose to dwell in His shelter.

We can try to make our own sense of protection in our homes or shield our hearts to avoid pain but unfortunately as most of us know it will fall short. As Christians we are not exempt to what others suffer but there is a peace that surpasses all understanding. Philippians 4:7 says, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard [literally a military sentinel] your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (NIV).

May the shadow of His peace keep you this holiday season.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Set Point

Recently I took my car to the auto shop and walked home in the rain. I did this twice in the same week but within a couple of days I got a terrible cold and chest congestion followed by the usual chills and fever.

A fever is an increase in the body's normal temperature (called set point usually 98.6°F) as a reaction to disease or illness. Other factors may change the body's normal set point like exercise, room temperature, emotions or food.

Scripture gives us an example when Peter's mother-in-law had a fever. Jesus touched her hand and she was healed. Afterwards she got up and served Him (Matthew 8:14-15). Whatever the cause of the fever Jesus healed her and the body's set point was restored.

There is another type of fever that can be brought on by lust. Lust is an intense and passionate desire (almost feverish) to have or possess something or even someone. James 4:2 says, "You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask." (NASB).

I can remember a time when I was so persistent in a particular sin that it made me feel feverish. I was agitated and anxious. My mind raced with thoughts and ideas in how to get what I wanted and more.

The danger of a natural fever is true of a lust driven fever. If the body temperature is too high and prolonged it can damage the brain. Lust is a fire that once ignited will consume until nothing remains. Lust will distort clear thinking. The mind is cloudy and confused which impacts right responses to life's stressors like work responsibilities or relationships.

Only God can take our hand and drive out the fever. Even more to go to the source of our lust. Not all lust is sexual in nature. It can be a natural desire for knowledge, perhaps to travel and experience new places or have more money to be debt free or have a meaningful relationship. But as James 4:2 warns when we fail to ask God for what we lack our natural response is to take matters in our own hands.

Beloved, be honest with God with your desires. Speak truthfully and sincerely to Him about what you want. And allow Him to determine if such a request will be granted. We got to believe He truly satisfies us with good things (Psalms 103:5).

Remember Psalms 23:1 the Lord is our Shepherd and we shall never be in want. And that is how He restores our set point. The more passionate we are about Him the fever of lust is extinguished. We can get up like Peter's mother-in-law and serve Him with renewed vigor and strength.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Love That Demands My All

In a recent conversation with my mother, she said she found herself asking God, "How much do I love You?"

It was a similar question rolling in the back of my mind of over the past few weeks. Do I love Him enough to chose Him over my thoughts and desires? Or do I hold him at arm's length when He wants to occupy places in my heart that I have long walled off. I have my reasons or so I think. It's too personal, too overwhelming and if there is any change to be made, it's too late.

Still the question remains.

Many believers have an understanding of God's love but tragically continue to live independently of His presence. Their understanding of God's love makes no demands in having a transformed life. Even those in the world acknowledge God loves them. But do they love Him enough to give their hearts to Him?

I believe God wants us to move past whatever knowledge we have of His love to a deeper more experiential understanding of His sacrificial love as demonstrated on the cross. A pure and holy love that will demand our very heart and soul.

It was the question that drove the young rich ruler to ask Jesus for the one thing he needed to do to inherit eternal life (Matthew 19:16). Scripture says, "Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me." (10:21 KJV). The young ruler loved God as far as it was within his own efforts and ability. He faithfully obeyed all the commandments. But to sell all, take up a cross and follow Christ required a love only God can give to a man or woman to do just as He demanded.

And then there was Mary sitting at Jesus' feet while Martha was fuming in the kitchen. Jesus said, "But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:42 KJV). Mary's adoration and love for her Savior caused her to exchange her duties for a moment to sit quietly at His feet. Love for God should never be a duty or an obligation but a gracious offering.

If the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart about that "one thing" released it into His hands. The less of self means understanding more of His selfless love and love for others.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The View From Pisgah

It's been said that life is measured in frames like a film.

Moments in our lives that might be a called a reaction shot. A term film makers use when actors are reacting to a situation. There are reverse angle shots when life shows us one side of something or an object (even a person's story) only to reverse and show us the other side.

Likewise a pan shot is when the camera remains stationary but turns horizontally revealing new areas. Recall 2 Chronicles 16:9, "For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." God who sits on the throne (stationary) shifts and moves his eyes (lens) through every known hidden place on earth! And God's eyes act like tilt shot going up and down capturing all of heaven and hell's activity all at the same time.

Moses was prohibited from entering the Promise Land because he failed to show God as holy when striking the rock. He was to speak to the rock so water can be released. Later God took him to Mount Nebo and gave him a panoramic shot of the land. Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the LORD showed him the whole land--from Gilead to Dan (Deuteronomy 34:1).

At one time Moses cried to see His Glory now God was showing His glorious promise to Moses. Beloved, we have these "framed" moments but they must be transitioned to another frame to produce a complete film. Sometimes we can be captured by a single frame in life. Sometimes blissful moments can cause us to stay in the moment far too long. Or unbelief and fear freezes us in that moment.

We can easily forget God is the author of our script (testimony). He has the power of the director's cut when editing the complete film. You can say Moses' anger caused him to be locked in a heated moment (a single frame) where he failed to see there was much more (a sequence of frames) at stake than venting his rage.

Beloved, the eyes of God is watching us. He is our Director and though we may not understand it we must allow His Spirit to do whatever He has put into our hands to do and be willing to move into place at His precise timing.

As the body of Christ we have all a part to play until that day in Revelation 21:1-4 when the final film of our lives are finished and the final credit belongs to Christ alone.

Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. (NIV)

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Lesser Glory

Romans 1:25-26 warns of a downward spiral of exchanging truth for a lie and serving the creature rather than the Creator that lends itself to degrading passions and gross sins.

The Devil will make every attempt to deceive us about the full effects of sin and its long lasting consequences that can result. The Bible says, "Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death" (James 1:5 KJV).

I know of a man who destroyed his liver with alcohol that he bled out in the hospital and another man who was unfaithful to his spouse to learn he has HIV. What started out with thought of just a simple sip of golden ale or some hidden sexual exchange soon overtook their lives.

But sin does not have to be so extreme.

Sin can be as subtle as an attitude or refusing to surrender that hidden longing in the heart for something we know He prohibits.

Achan failed to obey God after Jericho was conquered and took a wedge of gold and a Babylonian garment. He hide it in his tent. But it was something else buried deep in his heart that refused to listen to God and made himself an exemption to the rule. He was drawn to the lesser glory of shimmering gold. In the end, Achan and his family was destroyed.

Beloved, all around us in this culture there are things that will call our attention but do not bow to that deceptive voice. Daniel's friends did not obey the king's command to bow to the golden image he set up. So they were thrown into a fiery furnace but God walked among the flames with them.

Lust is the lesser glory that has marred the true glorious image of God reflected in His creation of men and women. When we stoop and bow to what is nothing short of fool's gold we become corrupt and degraded. Shame almost always follows when we have given our attention (worship) to the world's goods.

But there is grace, beloved, glorious grace that He lavishes on those who call out to Him for help no matter the condition of the heart. Grace interrupts sin's destructive course and grace restores the glory of God in the heart. The only higher glory that should consume the heart.

Grace. Rich and glorious. Grace.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I'm Persuaded

Romans 8:38-39 says, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (KJV).

To be persuaded means to "move by argument, entreaty, or expostulation to a belief, position, or course of action" (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary).

Are we persuaded - fully confident - in the Lord's love toward us? Are we convinced He will fulfill His promises in our lives?

Intercession is where we find the strength (or lack of) persuasion in God's sovereign power to act. Do we believe God can change our home, heal relationships, answer requests for a better paying job or provide clear direction? Prayer is not in the number of words we speak (Luke 18:13) or how long we pray. True pray is rooted in the substance of faith to trust Him (Hebrews 11:1).

Such faith Abraham possessed to get up from where he lived and how he lived to go to a far country. He was not sure where he was actually going but was persuaded by His voice to leave everything behind. Hebrews 11:10 says, "Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God." (NLT).

Abraham took God at His word because he understood the nature of God. A God who does not lie and who does not change but is faithful.

And that is why our persuasion must flow from our knowledge in the character of God rather than some emotional or circumstantial experience. Our emotions will betray us. Circumstances are temporal and fickle. Sadly, we are more convinced about our failures which appear to dominate and control our lives.

If we are persuaded nothing...absolutely nothing...can separate us from His love than we can pray boldly and with confidence. Even if our heart condemns us God is greater than our hearts (1 John 3:20).

Beloved, we can't coach ourselves to be persuaded in His ability to act because this requires the work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit teaches and leads us into all truth. Truth that persuades us God loves me no matter what so I can pray with reckless faith to believe Him.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Moving Past Regret

The sting of regret can paralyze us from walking out of the past and into a bright future.

Regret is a deep disappointment as a result of something we shouldn't have done or said which brought a lot of pain to ourselves and others. Recrimination is the sister of regret. We punish ourselves by negative self talk or refuse to take risks that will lead us to a place of healing and freedom. Why try when all we do is fail?

Only God can break through our circular thoughts of failure and shame. He knows how to untie the many knots in our thinking that prevents us from seeing things clearly and accurately.

God gives a promise to quiet those condemning thoughts. Zephaniah 3:17 says, "The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing." (NIV).

The Lord wants to remind those who struggle with regret that you are no less loved because of some grievous failure. Failure or success never measures the love of God toward us. Rather His love frees our heart from the stronghold of guilt and shame. God's love gives us the confidence to trust Him because we can't put any confidence in ourselves to do what is right.

Beloved, we have to pray for understanding. We know so little and often what we do know is not from God's point of view. Regret can misshapen our minds to become narrow and closed. God has to take us to the heights of Mt. Pisgah like Moses to see the entire Promise Land. When we see things from His perspective the cyclic thoughts of regret lose their hold. When we see through the eyes of faith differently we will be believe differently.

Tell God what you regret. Don't hide or hold back anything from Him. Truth will bring light to dispel any darkness and truth will liberate the bound heart. And true to Romans 8:1-2 we are not a condemned people but the freest people because we are loved by God - regardless of our mistakes and bad choices.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Unless You Change

After Jesus invited a child to stand in the middle of the crowd, He said,"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3 NIV).

The word for change means to be converted by changing direction.

God is immutable but we must change as we mature or grow up in Christ. If we refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to challenge our hearts we can soon move in a direction that opposes Him. Sadly, many believers are living a self-direct spiritual life that avoids conflict and pain regarding the truth about what is really going on in the heart. A whole generation has settled like the Israelites with the people of the land creating mixture and confusion.

Recently a forty year old ministry collapsed when the president said in essence that change is relevant to what the person determines and apologized to a community he felt was offended by the ministry. Jesus warns unless we change we will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Change in the Christian life is not an option. Every step in this journey with Christ we are being renewed, refreshed and transformed into His glorious image. He gives all the power, resources and abilities to make change possible and sustainable. It can be difficult to go counter to the voices that say God accepts you as you are so why change?

But to agree that a particular sin, orientation or way of living is impossible to change is to limit the Holy One by a spirit of unbelief. It puts us at risk of being one the foolish virgins who were unprepared when He returned for His bride.

Change begins with a simple yes to the Lord. The moment you shut down or block your ears from hearing what you know is true then change is hindered. God does not stop because of our unwillingness but moves on. To remain where we live and how we live can result in a withered, dry and lonely existence.

God's kingdom advances and so we must grow in His grace to meet the demands of life in constant spiritual motion.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

What Is It, God?

What is it, God? It's a question that troubles me whenever a haunting impression or thought about some past sins suddenly emerges out of nowhere and shakes my world.

The enemy wants to use this as an opportunity to prove I'm no different after all these years. I'm a fake. I've been living a lie of what otherwise could be a genuine Christian walk. As if to say deep down inside I'm the man of the past who rather be there than presently living for Christ.

But what is it that I would be searching for in that place? A place marred by darkness and pain. Such a place made for frustration and emptiness. The deception of living in that place caused pain for many people in my life.

Even now I'm learning not to rehearse past sins and failures that He has forgiven me. But there are moments that something seems to surface from the subconscious that I can't seem to give it a name. If I can put my finger on it then I could name it and ask God for help to overcome.

Some believers may call this a besetting sin. I believe it something else deep in the heart only God can resolve. Something wants to spring up and come alive especially in moments of great difficulty. That is why there is a place called the shadow of death (Psalms 23:4) that every believer must pass through to experience greater freedom and life in Christ. Paul calls it dying daily (I Corinthians 15:31).

Sinning should never come easy but sadly that is the condition of many believers in our generation. These are the ones who are unwilling to yield and bend their knees to God in submission. They rather hold to a promise of heaven while living for the passing pleasures of sin.

If we were to truly die to the possibility that the world holds out any hope of relief than we will be satisfied by the answer God gives us to what really troubles our hearts. To the young rich ruler Jesus said this one thing you lack but to Mary at His feet she found this one thing needful.

To know what troubles us may be helpful but not necessary to our freedom. What is important is a willingness to lay it down again and again on the altar until it rises no more. The voice of the past can't haunt us in the night hours or speak to us about our diminished future gains. Our hope and future is bright (Jeremiah 29:11). And Jesus encourages us not to let our hearts be troubled (John 14:27).

One day all the questions will be answered by a single glance at His beautiful face.

Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. (1 Corinthians 13:12 NLT).

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Autumn No More

Autumn is a beautiful season in New England. Verdant tree leaves are transformed into a burst of deep reds, rich shades of orange, crimson reds and radiant yellows.

Today the cold wind snapped off dying leaves and tossed them all over the quiet country road. We visited a local farm where we sat on hill sipping hot cider and coffee. Below was a pumpkin patch. The bright orange squash dotted the landscape with various shapes and sizes. My body relaxed and I took in a deep breath. The air was pungent with the scent of decaying leaves with a hint of smoke and damp soil. Winter was around the corner!

I was reminded of the Scripture describing those who fully trust Him. "They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." (Jeremiah 17:8 NIV).

There is no autumn for the believer whose roots go deep into the soil of His word. They draw up and into their spirit the necessary nutrients and water. No matter the season the believer remains green. Unlike many of the trees we saw that although alive appeared quite dead with all the leaves stripped bare.

As believers its not enough to have green leaves but we must bear fruit. Jesus was hungry and seeing a fig tree with green leaves discovered it had no fruit (Matthew 21:19). He cursed the tree and it withered. Autumn came quickly for this tree. Jesus was cursing a religious system of His day that was about performance and pretense. Of lip service and outward rituals but left the people hungry and unfilled. And it's a warning to us today. Bearing fruit means pruning and cultivation (John 15:2) and abiding or staying connected to Christ (verse 5).

Beloved, should our spiritual life seem dry and lifeless we must draw near to Him. He promises to pull us closer to His side (James 4:8). We can not refuse the pruning work of the Holy Spirit though it may be painful. Our families and friends should come under our shade from the heat of the day and eat of the fruit the Lord produces in us (see Galatians 5:22-23 for a list of Spirit cultivated fruit).

No more autumn spiritual life but spring all year long!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Is There Not A God?

There was an ailing king in Israel that refused to seek God. He sent men to consult Baal the god of the Canaanites for healing.

As the men were on their way, Elijah the prophet told them, "This is what the LORD says: Is it because there is no God in Israel for you to consult that you have sent messengers to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron? Because you have done this, you will never leave the bed you are lying on. You will certainly die!" (2 Kings 1:16 NIV).

How many believers fail to seek God first before making decisions. Rather they will consult friends, doctors, or social media for answers. There is nothing wrong in asking a friend for advice or seeking medical help but we must learn to seek God's face. Ask Him for wisdom and guidance. Even if we hear nothing or our decision seems fixed we have given God an opportunity to speak to our hearts. It pleases the heart of God that we invite Him and consult Him in every matter of our lives. We have too many believers only consulting God when all else fails or when there is a crisis that is beyond their control.

My left ankle and foot had a terrible rash. It was getting worse over the past couple of years. I believe this was due to varicose veins that restrict blood circulation. Wearing a compression stocking only added to the problem as my foot could not breath. My wife and I prayed. I laid hands on my foot while rehearsing promises of His healing power. On Friday I sought out medical treatment. Applying a cortisone cream is now clearing up the issue.

But it did not ease the troubling question in my mind. "God, why does healing have to be so difficult?" I held to the thought that one prayer in faith should be enough to see results. And this is true but in my experience it seems prayer must be persistent and constant. Keep seeking, knocking and asking.

For the king of Israel the question isn't about God not answering that caused him to seek an other god, but an attitude that refuses to believe God cares to do something about the problem or situation.

The measure of God's care and power is not in the evidence of prayers answered but a heart that fully trusts in His goodness. If He choses to listen or not or if He answers or not - what matters is that we seek Him. Be assured God is faithful to answer when we call out to Him.

He answered my need for healing through medical means. He has also healed me of other illness without medical care. Not to seek Him means a possibility of missing out on His best.

If the king of Israel sought the Lord, I believe God would have healed him. Why? Because God is faithful to His word and desires to reveal His heart of mercy.

How many of us question God's existence and care but have not bowed our knees and humbled our hearts to ask Him for help?

Sit still for just a minute and whisper a prayer. God will answer.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it. (Isaiah 30:21 NIV).

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Eating A Meal With Humility

Nearly two years ago my wife and I attended a Portuguese street festival. I ordered what I thought was a familiar dish recalling a time I lived in small town where many migrated from Portugal, namely the Azores. My friend's mother made a wonderful, savory soup with kale, chourico and potatoes. But that wasn't what I was served at the festival.

Disappointed we walked up the main street to find a church offering free Saturday dinners. All were welcome though most who attended were clearly economically disadvantaged. At the time my wife was without a job so we passed through doors armed with a reason for a free meal. The food was warm, delicious and the service was handled by polite children who made sure you had enough to drink and eat. Later free bread and extra meals were distributed to take home.

And tonight was no different. We now live in the area and decided to go back for another meal. We had a wonderful time talking to a woman who was beaming with pride over her son's accomplishments. She passed on information that another church offers free meals during the week except on Sundays and Mondays.

It's in these humble moments in sharing a meal with people who seem not overly concerned to acknowledge they are in need of a free dinner; that I'm more aware of my pride and arrogance of providing my own needs.

Christ ate with sinners and was accused of being a glutton and a drunkard (Luke 7:34) but these same sinners were more receptive to His words than the religious rulers who rejected Him.

Eating with a stranger is one thing but sharing a meal with your family can be altogether a different matter. The New Living Translation describes it this way: "A bowl of vegetables with someone you love is better than steak with someone you hate." (Proverbs 15:17).

And that is why no matter what is served or who you eat with requires an attitude of humility. People tend to more attentive and open in the presence of humility. They may say things they wouldn't have otherwise said to someone else. Boastful or arrogant speaking will only shut down communication and cause the one who is most hungry for a word of kindness to be turned away.

Beloved, we can speak from a place of humility when we understand it's not about the food and drink but heavenly food we can share to the spiritually hungry and desolate. Proverbs 21:20 says, "The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down." (NIV).

It's not what is on the plate but the heart of God in you that matters.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Assault On Our Private Thoughts

From the moment we awake our thoughts come alive and buzz like some annoying fly. We think of so many things at one time.

Our thoughts zigzag from driving to work to being at work and wondering what we will do at the end of the day. We muse on obligations and demands that have to be met and we regret the things we didn't (or did) do yesterday. Our thoughts remind us we are hungry and need a shower before leaving home. Just as the body is stirred by our thoughts and so is our emotions that can make us from feel bright and confident to downright dismal and depressed in a mere second or two. Who needs the traffic problems on the freeway when some of us have a multi-lane back up of thoughts jammed in our head?

It says in Psalms 94:11: "The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity." (KJV).

Yes, it is true that many of our thoughts are just that - empty and futile. What a comfort considering if we acted on every thought we will be in a great deal of trouble!

And as any believer knows the mind is where most of the battles are fought. Thoughts will come unbidden from the world, the flesh and the Devil. That is why the promise of God giving us a sound mind is everything to discern what is good and godly from that which is sensual and demonic. Our thoughts should never control us but only the Holy Spirit who speaks truth to guide and instruct our conscience. His thoughts are always higher and more wonderful. A mind stayed on Him is a mind at peace (Isaiah 26:3).

The key to a healthy mind is what is really going on in the heart. If God is the sole owner of our hearts then it will generate thoughts that are centered on Him. Whenever our thoughts are being assaulted by doubt, lust or some other troubling notion we must ask Him to search our heart (Psalms 139:23).

We can go into over drive in binding the devil or doing something to get our mind to think rightly but often God is speaking to us about something deeper and more troubling that is causing our minds to froth and foam like an unsettled sea. When we are troubled in our minds we must sit still long enough for God to speak to our hearts. His peace will break through the roaring in our heads and calm our anxious spirit.

Some are afraid of hearing what God may say and only just want the thoughts to go away. But thoughts can become a pattern and repeat itself in response to things that are difficult in our lives to understand. Thoughts can form an argument which in turn becomes a stronghold that walls out the Spirit of truth.

So tell God what is troubling you. Speak to Him privately of those hidden and secret thoughts that He knows already and let Him shine a light in the darkness. You will be pleasantly surprised how being transparent and honest can bring a lasting freedom. It's the very thing the Devil cannot stand when you come in the light of His presence.

And our honest cry to live and think holy thoughts will only serve to assault Satan's mind - a darken, lie infested mind - that has no power in our thoughts.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Coming Attraction

As you drive along the highway, you may see signs that tell you there is an attraction in the area. It could be a historic site, a museum or park or some local event. Such attractions can turn into a distraction. It means taking the next exit and keeping your eye on the signs pointing you in the right direction. When leaving the main road, it means additional time before reaching your final destination. It also means the chance of getting lost if you don't have a GPS or map to guide you back to the highway.

Various sources of entertainment will show a coming attraction knowing how audiences get easily bored and want something new. The entertainment industry wants more money so they feed a teaser or clip to keep the consumer coming back for more.

For the believer there is only One coming attraction - the soon return of Christ. I Thessalonians 4:16 says, "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first." (NIV). Revelations 1:7 tells us every eye shall behold Him! Now that's an awesome attraction!

Beloved our cry should be maranatha or Lord come quickly! We have this comfort that He's coming back to take us home. It can happen at any time when we are at work or at home. This should not be a fearful thing but Paul tells us we should comfort ourselves with the promise of His return (I Thessalonians 4:18). Just to think some of us may not die in this life but in a twinkling of an eye be transformed and be caught up in the clouds with all the saints!

As I mature in Him and grow older the longing for heaven is increasing - something I believe the Lord has put in every believer's heart. He reminds us this is not our home but there awaits a place where in His presence all is whole and restored. A place where no disease or war or famine will exist. A place where greed and crime will never rob or destroy the good things. Where the devil is banished forever and only the Lamb of God walks among His people. Forever. Eternally.

Take a moment when you are outside. Look up at the open sky and peer past the clouds. Softly whisper the word, "Maranatha!"

I could only imagine one day God looking down at His people in response, "I'm coming," and slowly stands to His feet, "Son, it's time."

Saturday, September 12, 2015

When Weakness Is Stripped Away

God is so very gentle and patient with us when stripping away our weakness.

He knows our frame that we are but dust (Psalms 103:14). James describes our life as a mist that is here today and gone tomorrow (James 4:14). Imagine a mighty God who created the heavens and earth by the power of His word promises not to break us or extinguish our lives like a faltering wick (Isaiah 42:3).

The process of conforming to His image can be quite an ugly process. I've been told on occasion I'm gentle, kind and merciful but I have also been know to be very angry, resentful and bitter. I get discouraged very easily at what seems like a split personality. Why can't I be more loving and kind instead of miserable and grumpy? Most of the things that upset me are quite small and trivial not something life and death hang in the balance. So much energy and time was spent for things that really don't matter when considering the larger picture.

I know that I'm not alone. Paul described this tug of war between the flesh and spirit, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do...For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." (Romans 7:15,18 NIV).

But with God there is hope in the transformation to be like Him. When God strips away our weakness He does not do it to shame us. His intent is not to expose our soft underbelly so to speak of what we are hiding under all those protective layers we hold out to people. Rather the more He removes those things that produce sin and weakness in our lives the greater capacity He has to pour more of His life and power into our clay vessels.

We have to trust God knows what He is doing especially in the moments of our greatest failures. We have nothing in ourselves to bring about lasting change. Promises and vows to do better will always fail and lead to greater frustration and despair. Rather we must be honest with Him right at that moment when we fail. We must ask for His help even if our prayer is a whimper and our blood pressure is running high to do something stupid! I know. My prayer sometimes is limited to the words, "Help me!". Beloved, in that moment God is so faithful to break through our heated moments and downcast seasons to lift us up and back on our feet to continue walking with Him.

And here is the hope we hold...the more we call out to Him in our weakness and allow Him to teach us, the quicker the recovery from failing and less will be the episodes of falling flat on our faces.

In the end it will be worth it all to see Jesus on that day face to face. For in that moment, when all weakness and sin is all but a distant memory we shall say with Paul, "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." (I Corinthians 13:12 NIV).

Be encouraged you are His masterpiece not a master mess in the works!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Place Called Safety

Joshua chapter 20 designates six cities where a person may flee for safety when they accidentally killed a person. “Tell the Israelites to designate the cities of refuge, as I instructed you through Moses, so that anyone who kills a person accidentally and unintentionally may flee there and find protection from the avenger of blood (verses 2-3 NIV).

If ever we need a strong reassuring sense of security and protection it is now.

Daily we hear of reports of terrorists destroying lives especially children and breathing out threats against other nations. Right in the heartland of America there was a riot that boiled over into the streets. Schools, movie theaters and even a church - places no one expects violence - lives were gunned down by the hands of men blind with rage. In major cities there is a growing discontent with those who are to uphold the law only to learn they were breaking it themselves.

Who are you going to trust? Where do you run from this ever increasing madness where lives seemed no longer valued but are killed like animals? It seems in our society there's not a thought that God is real and He exists. Or there is a heaven and hell. And a day of reckoning. Indeed truth has fallen in our streets! (Isaiah 59:14).

While we may seek out the courts instead of cities of refugee; we have God who is our ever present help in time of trouble. Psalms 9:9 says, "The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble." (KJV)

Beloved, though we live in turbulent and disturbing times we must daily acknowledge God is our refuge. It does not mean we are an exception to suffering or pain. Who knows we may die at the hands of a madman. When the towers fell on 9/11 it claimed the lives of many Christians, including those in the airplanes.

But our hearts are peace with a God who will right every wrong. He is the judge of the whole earth. It says, "For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead." (Acts 17:31, NIV).

When trouble is all around comfort your hearts with this promise: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27).

There is a refuge where peace surrounds us though our hearts and flesh may fail but God is our portion (and refuge) forever (Psalms 73:26).

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Whom Shall I Fear?

Fear is more than an emotion but a spiritual force. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear [emphasis mine]; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (KJV).

With such a rich promise of a sound mind, we are not live in a constant state of fear though we encounter any number of fears in a given day.

We may fear losing our jobs, a sleepless night from a reoccurring nightmare, a failed marriage leading to divorce or some other painful events and experiences that give way to fear.

Psalms 27:1-3 asks an excellent question.... whom shall I fear? And it's a good question to ask ourselves when fear rises up and wants to take over our hearts.

You see fear has a tendency to exaggerate and make something appear more than what it really is - we lose our focus and our thinking narrows to fight or flight - when sometimes God may say, "Wait, hold on."

I recall my martial arts instructor tell us that we must learn to relax in the face of fear. Too many over react when an opponent moves in to attack. They make the situation worse because they are not thinking clearly. I understand when we are afraid the blood drains from our heads and is quickly directed to the arms and legs to react.

Perhaps that is why David reminds himself that "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" (verse 1, KJV). Fear must downsize at the greatness of our God! And to the measure of hope we possess is the strength to overcome any fear. David's heart was set on the house of God not on who was attacking or threaten to attack him (verses 3-4). With eyes fixed firmly on Christ, David was not going to give way to fear.

Whom shall I fear?

Only one should we fear and that is God.

Beloved, stand in reverent awe of His presence and all other fears must bow to His name. They can't whisper to you at night threatening to kill you or during the day that you are going under. No, beloved, when we keep our eyes on Him we find great grace and peace that will swallow up our fears. God calms the storms of our minds with just a single word. Peace. Peace be still.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

'Tis Now, I Love You More

For some unknown reason I once asked my grandfather about death.

"Grandpa, what are you going to do when you have to cross that river?"

He understood immediately what I was asking and without hesitation replied, "I'm going to give it everything I got."

His eyes radiated with passion and hope. Death was nothing to this aged and wise man. The love of God so made him want to rush through the darken, cold waters to greet Him.

I'm reminded of a poem written by William R. Featherston who penned My Jesus, I Love Thee at age 12 or 16. When he died at 27 years old, his aunt sought publication and much later it was put to a melody.

I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death,
And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath;
And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

Everyday we learn to die to ourselves so that we may walk more fully in the Spirit of Christ. We may need to cross a raging river like Joshua to enter into the promises that God has us awaiting on the other side. Beloved, we only live fully when we surrender completely to His will.

If ever we must love Him when we can't explain the trials and pain in our lives that serve to mortify our flesh; tis now we must love Him.

When was the last time you looked heavenward and whispered, "I love you, Jesus. I really love you." How the heart of God aches to hear one less voice cursing or accusing Him to hear someone say simply I love you. It moves His heart to compassion. He draws near to that voice that ask no petition or want to be granted but just confess his or her love for Him.

1 John 4:19 says, "We love him, because he first loved us." (KJV). When we grasp that truth that He loved us first will cause our love for Him to increase.

I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me,
And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree;
I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

If you are need or want today...
Suffering pain or weary in body or mind..
When words fail in prayer and complaining rises....
Or relationships turn bitter and hurtful....

Tis now, we must love Him even more.

Love Him, saints, love Him with all your heart.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Let There Be Light

My aunt texted me the other day in response to a question I had asked and at the end of her note she wrote, "I remember your first word spoken to me - you said, 'light'."


I recalled a dream several years ago in Bible school where I saw an open Bible and light pouring through the pages. I began to speak in response to what I saw in the dream. The next day my roommate who is a Baptist told me he was awaken in the night when he heard me speaking in tongues!

From the beginning God said let there be light and I believe such a directive is still true today. He is the light of the world and we must not hide the light of the gospel. We are light bearers that every where we go darkness is pushed back through the power of the Holy Spirit living in us.

A word to godly men who are husbands and/or fathers. We must be light in our homes. Don't let the TV darken the living room and corrupt the spiritual atmosphere but rather turn it off. A praying man brings light to his family so they don't stumble. They will see clearly Christ shinning through your life. So many young adults need guidance, direction and purpose. Such will be a praying man to shed light on a path of righteousness for their children to follow. Proverbs 6:23 says, "For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life" (KJV).

Beloved, let's learn to live in the light of His countenance with honesty and integrity. Prophet Jeremiah said, "When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty." (NIV). The more we are honest about our present condition not hiding or holding anything back from God; the greater the light is given to us through His word which is our source of delight. He will enlighten our hearts. And He will open our eyes to the wondrous truths in the Scriptures.

And finally, let our prayers be sown in light not laden with unbelief and human reasoning. Psalms 97:11 says, "Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart." (KJV). When we pray let us believe in asking the Light of world, Jesus, for the darkness to flee from the hearts and minds of those held captive to the world and to devil. He will send forth His light to bring liberty to the prisoner!

Let His light so shine!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

No More Diminished Returns

My two sisters are in a crisis in their relationships that appears broken beyond repair. The men they had believed who loved and cared for them soon showed their true character. At one time their hearts felt a surge of hope and life seemed bright, full of opportunity and potential with the man of their dreams by their side.

Now everything has turned dark.

They are left with mounting bills and crying children. Long hours at work have left them exhausted to meet the demands waiting at home. In the lonely, dark hours of the night their thoughts turn to God but it seems the heavens are like brass. They whisper a prayer for relief and comfort but it feels like sand slipping through their fingers tips. Nothing seems certain except another day of struggling and yearning for some break through to take them far from this place.

As I listened to them, I kept hearing the words, "diminished returns". How many lives invest in a relationship with the hope of having some return of love, respect and care only to find that no matter their effort; the return is small or non-existent. It makes you wonder was it worth spending and pouring out your soul for someone who leaves you to mop up the mess they make?

God is not like human relationships. Remember the woman who poured out her worship by spilling costly perfume. Though the religious decried such waste (Mark 14:4) but Jesus saw it differently. At His feet was a broken woman from a life that may have been unkind and cruel. He saw what relationships both failed and promising had done to her heart. Her smallest effort to reach His heart moved Jesus so much that He said that where ever the gospel is preached that what she did will be a lasting memorial!

Beloved, you may be experiencing pain from broken relationships. Your son may have turned to a life of drugs. A daughter set on marrying a man that is not godly. A husband who is not faithful or a wife that refuses to tell what is really going on. No matter what you feel or the condition of the relationship call out to Him! Prayer is never a wasted effort. God hears the cry of the broken. The Scriptures tells us that He bottles our tears (Psalm 56:8).

God has invested His Son's life for your life. How much more can we give Him our lives - broken, wasted and used up. Here's a promise to comfort you in times of distress that no matter how broken a relationship you are loved by Him enough that He'll exchange anything to have you!

Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life. (Isaiah 43:4 NIV).

Saturday, August 1, 2015


My brother recently encouraged me to ask the Holy Spirit for comfort. He is called the Comforter after all. And my brother added in so many words, "This is Holy Spirit's job so ask Him to do His work on your behalf."

The following morning in prayer I acknowledged the Holy Spirit lives in me because God allowed His presence to take residence in my heart. Therefore, I asked with all reverence for the Holy Spirit to do as He promised. Jesus said to his disciples, "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever" (John 14:16, KJV).

Words can't describe it but I felt a shift in the spiritual atmosphere when acknowledging God is present and He is at work in me. I sensed His nearness and the strength to uphold me. The result was true worship that broke through the pain and discomfort I was feeling at the moment.

Make no mistake. The Holy Spirit is not at our beck and call for our fleshly whims and desires. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ and we must always submit to Him. And the Holy Spirit is the Person of the Godhead (the trinity) not a presence just to stir our emotions in order to make us feel good. He leads, guides, teaches and convicts to mature us in the faith.

How many believers who claim they are Spirit filled yet fail to acknowledge the Spirit of God cares enough to do anything in their moments of distress? Sadly, the spirit of unbelief cuts off any flow of power, comfort, joy and other needful resources that He desires to provide. He is restricted because the present work He came to do in our lives is not acknowledged!

Beloved, if there is any lie that Enemy has so well crafted is the one that says God is not real. This is the reason for prayerlessness that has given way to powerless people in the body of Christ. God has become fiction than fact. Faith has been swallowed up by an attitude of fate. When we say God is real we say all that He promises is yes and amen in Christ. God can not lie. He will do just as He promised us in the Word of God.

I believe it brings the heart of God great pleasure that we pray His promises. We don't come to Him with our merits, our list of good deeds or make promises and vows to do better. We come to Him and say with all humility, "Comfort me Holy Spirit because I believe you are the Comforter!"

And oh the sweet communion and comfort that flows when a heart takes Him at His word!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

More Than Enough

We must rest fully in the sufficiency of Christ. To say He is more than enough is a step toward victory over temptations and other life struggles that otherwise would lead us astray.

Naturally, it's easy to resort to a human touch of comfort rather than perceive by faith that God can soothe our trouble hearts. Or we may be tempted to visit certain places that offer some relief rather than run to the prayer closet to cry out to Him for help. Beloved, there is nothing wrong with comfort of family or friends for God will use this to help and encourage us. But as long as we are depending on others to cheer us or fill our empty spaces we will never know the liberating truth that God is more than enough.

And that is why Proverbs 3:5 tells us to "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;" (NIV). Human comfort and strength can only do so much before it is exhausted or fails. And given our fallen nature we have to admit the comfort of the world or others will never be enough.

I believe it brings great pleasure to the heart of God that we seek Him first before making another call, texting or emailing someone for encouragement and comfort. We got to believe He is more than enough to satisfy our hungry and aching souls! This will be a challenge for some who say I have prayed and nothing happens or things just went from bad to worse.

Beloved, that is when we must press into Him as the woman who suffered from years of internal bleeding. She crawled on the dusty streets navigating around the hundreds of pairs of dirty feet of those that tightly pressed against Jesus. She weakly stretched out her hand so that her finger tips may touch His robe. Such was a desperate act of woman who was greatly marginalized and dismissed as being unclean and unwanted by those of religious standing. She didn't even tugged at his clothes but through faith pulled power out of Christ that He spun around and demanded who touched Him.

When we press past our emotions and thoughts that would argue that God couldn't possibly touch the most deepest places in our hearts we will find a door swinging wide to take us straight to the throne room of the great King. Like Esther we stretch forth our hands and touch the golden scepter of grace to take us in where we find He is more than enough - to give us more than what we can ever imagine.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

After The Storm Breaks

Last night my wife and I held hands and prayed. We asked God's blessing for our new apartment. And we cried from the pain of some unpleasant surprises that left us feeling very discouraged and low. The last 48 hours proved more challenging than we could ever imagine when moving some 20 minutes north to our new location.

As evening faded into morning a storm rolled over the dark, slow moving waters of the Hudson River. Sharp peals of thunder split the sleepy skies with a resounding clap.

God's voice is glorious in the thunder. We can't even imagine the greatness of his power. (Job 37:5 NLT).

I got up and closed the bedroom windows after I noticed the windowsills were drenched. It was then I looked up at the gray skies and smiled. God's used the storm to bring relief from the summer's heat and the strong sunlight pouring through the windows. Since we moved into the apartment we had not been able to put up blinds so it was difficult to get much rest (or privacy for that matter). I realized our prayer that night seemingly turned something in my spirit. I felt just a bit lighter as if a weight had rolled off my shoulders.

But it was hours later when stepping into the shower that I felt that same oppressive weight from cares and anxiety start to overwhelm me. I got down on my knees and lifted up my hands and presented my body to Him - it was His temple after all. When I stood up I declared aloud His goodness. I proclaimed He was good and faithful. His sovereign hand was on our lives. His supernatural power was at work to conform me to His image. In minutes the storm brewing in my soul began to subside.

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. (Mark 4:39 NIV).

Beloved no matter how unsettling and uncomfortable you may find yourselves when taken by unexpected twists and turns of life. Or when you face unexplained pain remember God is still good and faithful to His promises. Hold to this promise until the storm breaks.

He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven (Psalms 107:29-30 NIV).

Yes, there is haven for the storm tossed. A place of rest and protection. Let His goodness guide you to that safe harbor.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Psalms 103: A Remedy To Stop Complaining

Many times the Lord will prompt me to read Psalms 103 whenever I have a bad attitude or fall headlong into a pit of complaining.

The first few verses become launching points to focus on Him and reflect on His goodness. Life is not always good but His goodness never fails.

103 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

I believe the remedy to stop complaining is found in the first verse. We have to will ourselves (with God's strength) to bless His name rather than blame or accuse God of not coming through for us. Remember God is our on side and He is with us not against us which should cause us to be grateful than grumble and bemoan any lack or unfilled needs.

Verse 3 speaks to me now - when we are in poor health or taken ill it takes an extra measure of strength to thank God for health and wholeness when we feel anything but healthy. Worship is a sacrifice that gives way to faith to see what is unseen. In turns this gives way to hope that God will restore - and when we chose to thank Him - often the answer is on its way! We don't call sickness or disease good but God is always, always good to us. Many times people were healed simply by saying thank you.

Beloved, take some time and read Psalms 103 not only thank God for what He has done in your life but praise Him for what He will do in the lives of others you touch. A believer who cultivates worship in good and bad times will attract many who will desire to know what is the secret of not giving way to complaining and heavy heart.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Right Side Of My Heart Died

Recently I was speaking to a claimant who told me about his heart condition. He said the right side of his heart had died because he didn't take of the problem earlier. Long after the conversation had ended his words haunted me.

The right side of my heart died.

I wonder if there were places in my heart that had died or was dying from neglect. Places where I re-assigned or failed to care and just simply let His purpose for this life slip away as the daily grind of work ate up all my strength and energy. I know such a divine purpose is for my good. It will make for healthy heart pulsating with His love and power. But at times it seems so difficult and painful to deal with the things He is pointing a finger at - the things that are lacking and growing worse like bad attitudes and ingratitude - like the claimant, I just ignore it or wish it away.

We are warned in Hebrews 3:8 from the example of the Israelites during their wilderness journey: "do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the wilderness" (NIV). Something got lodged in their hearts and minds that closed off God's flow of life. No wonder the original word for "harden" means to be dried up. And that is what happens when we ignore or wall God off from our lives - especially places where He wants us to surrender.

Anytime we spend less and less time in prayer and reading God's word or withdraw from attending church we are endanger of a heart growing cold and lifeless. Soon our heart will die to right side of things and become callous to His warnings. With a harden heart comes an increase to the attractiveness and pleasure of sin. Remember sin is deceptive and will hold out a false life with it's fleeting pleasures. It may make one feel alive but in the end results in death.

No matter how hard the heart God can change it. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26, NIV). Such a heart David possessed and sustained through out his lifetime even when he greatly sinned.

Perhaps the secret of keeping a soft and teachable heart is found in the words of Christ. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21, NIV).

So we must settled the issue that the world has nothing to offer us. The life we had once lived is over. Our heart does not belong to the things of this world. We are not going to be like Achan who hid a wedge of gold and a Babylonian garment in his tent to his and his family's destruction. The right side of his heart and right thinking was dead and corrupted from earthly spoils. He failed to keep his eyes on the prize of a Promised Land with the entire nation going together on God's terms - not individually with a greedy and rebellious infested heart.

Beloved, like the psalmist who declared, "A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked." (Psalms 84:1). When a heart can truly say without any hesitation I rather be in the house of God with His people is a heart that truly is full alive - every chamber filled with an ever increasing desire to love and care - such is a healthy heart.

Keep your heart open to Him by telling Him everything you feel and experience. Give no room for darkness to creep in with thoughts that God does not see or care. Don't shut him down or out. His ears are open to the honest humble cry. He will woo and win your heart completely to Him. God is gentle and kind to the broken. He will bring your heart back to life again!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Love That Lasted Since 1994

Today I rolled out of bed then headed toward the bathroom for a long hot shower. Then I stumbled into the kitchen where I made a cup of coffee. I sat for a few minutes reading the book of Romans. Twenty minutes later I gently woke my wife to get ready for our dental appointment at eight o'clock.

Perhaps unspoken was a concern in the back of our minds about the discomfort in my mouth. My tongue felt parched so I made every attempt to drink more water. For several weeks my throat and the roof of my mouth burned and ached. My voice was hoarse and rough. There was tiny white patch in center of my tongue. No matter how much I flossed and brushed my teeth I couldn't escape the feeling that something was wrong.

Perhaps it started some weeks ago when reading a prayer request of a man who had oral cancer. He was told they were taking out his tongue. As someone who is in the ministry of interceding this frightened me though I know people can pray regardless of any speech impediment. And it made me angry thinking just how much the Devil would like to cut out my tongue or any number of saints who pray. So the pounding thought began that I might have oral cancer.

After my dental cleaning I walked to my office when my wife phone to say the doctor had stepped into the office would I come back for an examination? I agreed and pushed to my feet feeling a bit apprehensive. For several minutes the doctor examined my tongue and used a camera to capture a few images.

There followed a few seconds of silence.

"Your tongue is fine," he said but as he pointed to the images on the screen, "You have couple of cracked teeth that need a crown and cap." Apparently a blood vessel had broke near the tip of my tongue.

Later that night my wife and I walked home from the office. A storm had broke with the wind and rain slashing in all directions. She leaned in telling me how she was relived to hear the news from the doctor. The comfort of her presence and feeling her relief laid to rest my fears. We were thankful for God's care in our lives.

I'm reminded of the Scripture in Ecclesiastes 4:12. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken (NIV).

We were married in Singapore in 1994. So begin a 21 year journey of walking together with God - a three strand cord - that has faced many challenges but always in the end God gave us victory and a deepening love for each other. A lasting love that moves past the temporal discomforts and the things in this life that fade so quickly for a love which God gives us eternally.

Beloved, God want us as the church, His bride, to walk together - being knitted in love (Colossians 2:2) - so no matter what we face our love for Him will outlast and outwit any scheme of the devil!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Tenderness Of Christ To Overcome Self-Abuse

We hear the horrific stories in the media of spousal and child abuse. Abuse can be spiritual, emotional, physical or sexual.

And then there is self abuse.

I believe this form of abuse is just as devastating. Several weeks ago my sister's ex-husband lost his brother to alcoholism. My sister plead for him to stop but his condition worsen. She called for help but it was too late. His liver died from years of drinking and he bleed out.

Self abuse can take on any number of forms like cutting oneself, degrading sexual activities, alcohol or drugs. Or it can take the form of shutting down to the point you don't care and give up - sadly inviting opportunity for people to abuse you - only to see this as a form of punishment because you feel you deserve it.

I remember when a guest speaker told me that I loathed myself. Loath is a strong word for hate. I quietly agreed. I did and said things I regretted and hated living under the shadow of my shame (though God did not see it as such - whenever He forgives - He forgets, Isaiah 43:25).

Loathing is just one of the many roots that are tied to self-abuse. Yes, it's true that some people have done terrible things to another person who had not hated themselves until that moment of violation. Now they recriminate themselves when they did not do anything wrong.

Whatever the cause or reason for self abuse God's remedy is found in Isaiah 42:3. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice (NIV). The tenderness of Christ is very evident in His dealings with the broken to bring healing to the most painful places in the heart. He is patient and kind to help those who have become their own victim. A person who struggles with self-abuse will most likely view God as one of the many who are just out to exploit and take advantage of them.

There is a choice to be made.

Do we believe God really cares about us? Do we believe He cares to help us though we keep doing things to our own destruction? Can we trust a mighty and powerful God to be tender with our bruised hearts and abused bodies?

It takes humility and courage only the Holy Spirit can give to a man or woman who will look away from their condition and say with assurance that God loves and cares for me.

Beloved, as I write this I sense there are many believers who can not say that well quoted Scripture in Romans 8:1 that tells us there is no condemnation in Christ without hating ourselves for failing so miserably. No matter the depths of folly there is a Scripture that has proven to be a great comfort.

Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great. (Psalms 18:35, KJV).

His gentleness and tenderness makes us greater and stronger than that which wants to bind us. Yes, His tenderness will dissolve the cords of self-hate and give way to freedom to know His love and care.

Right now ask Him to hold you.

His strength is enough to uphold you and His arms gentle so not to crush you.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Say Goodbye To Sadness

Sadness is a very interesting emotion because it does not always mean you are depressed or feel down. You could feel the blues when you hear news of a family member suffering from an illness or watching someone struggle to make it through life only to fail miserably time after time.

For example, my father has a heart for the elderly and respected them greatly for their life experiences and wisdom. Sometimes it sadness me to see the older generation being disrespected or made invisible by a more youthful and attractive generation. Some of these men and women had lived through the Great Depression or experienced the hardship resulting war (even fighting in it) and faced other life challenges in their time.

Some people are prone to feel sad much like my own melancholic personality. I believe there is a deep longing not so much for happiness but relief. Perhaps that is why many have contemplated suicide. Life for many is very difficult and pressing. In the end, there is a desire to have something to show for a life fully lived and to share it with others. Not to have a sense of hope that life is worth living is truly a sad state.

Often on the weekends my wife and I will take a long ride through the country. I share my mother's enjoyment of nature who takes hikes along mountain trails. Just the sight of leafy green trees and rolling hills lift my spirit. I feel the oppressive weight from a busy week drift away and a sense of light break through my cloudy soul. Nature the Scripture tells us declares the glory of God and perhaps only in this beautiful place can I say goodbye to sadness.

Psalms 43:5 says "Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again--my Savior and my God!" (NLT)

It's a good question to ask the Lord on occasion when you feel sad. I was surprised to learn that sadness may have nothing to do with me or my circumstances but simply experiencing the heart of God who breaks for those who are hurting. Sad people are not always depressed as I mentioned earlier but perhaps a very emphatic individual for a person who needs to know the God of hope.

Saying goodbye to sadness is when we can embrace this Scripture: Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. (Psalms 34:5, NLT).

Whenever you are sad look upward not down and inward. Perhaps take a walk outside and look up at the beautiful sky laced with white billowy clouds (Psalms 123:1 and Psalms 121:1). Feel the warmth of the sun dance on your skin. Hear the birds sing. All of this speaks of God's care and His sovereign power to keep nature and you together. Better still the love of God will chase away any storm clouds of sadness with His glorious light.

Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus | Helen H. Lemmel
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

Saturday, June 6, 2015


As a child our home life at times was unsettling because my parents' marriage was strained. One parent occasionally burst in a torrent of tears followed by screaming and tossing things about in sheer frustration. Peace was shattered. I became confused in trying to figure out what (or who) went wrong and how to restore harmony. It seemed just minutes before the house was quiet and restful. I soon learned the source of this emotional storm. The object of my parent's frustration was directed to the individual who sat on the couch watching television. Apparently unaffected by the maelstrom would quietly slip out the room only to make matters worse.

Little did I understood how those disruptive sounds had shattered something internally to deal with certain noises in my life. Of course, there was my own internal noise that had nothing to do with anyone or circumstances. God had to go to the root of the problem to bring me to a restful place.

As I grow older certain sounds like banging, slamming doors, loud voices etc create an emotional upset so severe that it required calling out to God for calmness. Depending on the noise and how long it continues, it can cause a rage that tightens my chest and constricts my breathing.

At the time of writing this blog I have lived in a studio that is anything but noise free - last year it was a single mother and daughter who had lived above us - the daughter often bounced a ball on the floor and constantly dropped things on the floor - now there's a new neighbor who walks heavily on the floor. Beside our studio is another neighbor doing construction at various hours and you can hear their conversations in our bathroom through the vent! To say the least we are looking for another place.

As a disability examiner I learned there is a condition called misophonia or selective sound sensitivity. It is a strong dislike or hatred of sounds - sounds uniquely distasteful to the individual - like gum smacking, dogs barking, breathing sounds etc. which can create strong emotional responses - as in my own experience. There is some treatment options to alleviate the discomfort like exercise, wearing earplugs (which I do nearly every night) and sound therapy (like white noise) to re-train the person's perception and hearing.

But I believe there is no greater healing than what God offers in the Scripture. My medicine is Psalms 23:2-3. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters [white noise, my words]. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.(KJV).

God knows how to stop a cacophony in the soul and make it a soothing symphony. Think of Saul distressed by an evil spirit until David played the harp! It's not easy when you don't have control over certain noises but God remains in control of our souls - to cause us to lay down in green pastures and lead us to waters that calm our noise shattered souls.

To those who have suffered from noise - a piercing scream of emotional pain or a gun blast taking a life in war or an angry firing of heated words that seared your mind or perhaps the dripping sound of those who repeatedly tell you how you'll never make it....

God says:

Peace be still.

And the waves and winds cease - at the sound of His calm yet powerful voice.

The voice of the LORD is upon the waters: the God of glory thundereth: the LORD is upon many waters.
Psalms 29:3, KJV

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Alone Places

One of the most comforting verses is found in Isaiah 41:10. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (NIV).

To the lonely God says, "You are not alone because I am with you." To the downcast and depressed God says, "I will uphold you." And to the weak He says, "I'm your strength."

When I remind myself that God is real - an ever present help in times of trouble it causes me to see things differently. And it makes me believe differently - through the eyes of faith. Yes, the deadlines at work are stressful but it loses its vice grip on my mind.

The Holy Spirit helps me to zoom out like a camera to see the bigger picture. God is at work regardless to my condition or state of mind. He is using these trying moments for my good. I may feel alone and disconnected but in these times His desire is the strongest to draw me to His side.

Beloved, loneliness does not mean the lack of meaningful relationships. In fact I believe some of the most lonely people may be those who have many friends but all the while their heart's need for true connection remains unsatisfied that only God can meet.

Think of the Lord who was surrounded by thousands and had a close knit circle of disciples but it says He withdrew to lonely places to pray (Luke 5:16).

Here in this passage Jesus is revealing to us a precious secret.

Rather than letting loneliness drive us we should use it to press into an intimate space of prayer. Yes, our culture would offer any number of options to bring a measure of comfort from social gatherings to various social media outlets. Even Christians offer alternatives to ease the loneliness but sadly prayer is the last on the list.

I am not saying become a recluse or isolate yourself from all human contact - we are to stay connected to the community of believers - but take those lonely moments to get alone with God.

And there in that alone place you will discover that it's God's heart that has suffered the most loneliness...until you speak to Him. I believe that prayer soothes His deepest longings. The same longing when He asked Adam and Eve after the fall, "Where are you?"

The moment we say, "God, I'm here." He comes running toward us with arms stretched wide to receive us. When we are so preoccupied in filling our lonely spaces we tend to neglect pray which only deepens His own pain.

Sometimes in prayer I find myself stretching out my hand. I close my eyes and could almost feel Him taking my hand. And always He says those simple words, "Walk with me." We leave that place of prayer together and throughout the day His hand never leaves mine. The alone places become a place of strength and joy.

And all I do is want to be alone with Him.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Wormwood and Gall

Lamentations 3:19-20 says "Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall! My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me" (ESV).

What is this wormwood and gall? Resentment. One simple definition of resentment is a wound or an offense that soon becomes infected. Resentment goes one step further: it re-sends it back to the one who inflicted the grievous blow!

In the Christian life the Lord may direct us to places we rather not go. He may ask us to do things we rather not do. Or He may instruct us to be silent when we want to give our opinion especially after being offended by someone close to us.

In other words, our life is not our own and this could result in harboring a resentful attitude toward the Lord. We don't fully understand some of the difficulties and afflictions in our life. We believe He should spare us from unexplained pain. It does not help that our American culture embraces all sorts of rights and entitlements all in the effort to have a self directed life with a single purpose of being happy.

God is not concerned with our ever changing need to be happy but rather He desires a willing life to trust Him. God is good and the end result of Him conforming us to His image will be our highest delight. It does mean suffering, trials and temptations or whatever means God uses to shape us into fine child that represents His nature.

The writer of Lamentations gives a key to overcoming resentment. "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not (verse 22 KJV).

When we realize the Lord is the offended party as a result of our sin and disobedience; He has every reason to destroy us except for His rich mercy that stays His hand. So why do we think we can "re-sent" our anger and shake our fists at the heavens toward a God who only has our good in mind?

Beloved, the sacrifice of praise in tough and challenging times will help us bring our focus back to recalling His mercy. It will keep out resentment from infecting the mind and heart.

So many times this past week I had fallen into a grumbling and complaining spirit. But when I chose to verbally (yes,out loud) say, "Thank you, Jesus. I love you." the atmosphere changed and so did my attitude. Rather than "re-send" to Him a list of complaints I sent Him worship. Worship will always move His heart and it's worship that puts everything in right perspective. He is God and I am not. He is sovereign and knows what is best - I do not. What follows is a humble submission to His sovereign care knowing I live because of His mercy.

If you are resentful why not lift both hands up and worship Him. He will remove that corrupt spirit of wormwood and gall and give you refreshing mercy to comfort your trouble heart.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Moving From Here To There

One of the key words in the book of Hosea is acknowledge. Acknowledgement simply means to accept or deny the truth.

Israel’s failure of acknowledging God was two-fold. First, they did not regard God who brought them out of a place of bondage (Egypt) and into the Promise Land (Israel) as a covenanted people. Secondly, they would not acknowledge their unfaithfulness which brought on their present condition. So they remained in a place of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. The prophet urged them, “Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” (Hosea 6:3, KJV).

The movement in our lives from here in a place of brokenness and oppression to there – where God is calling us - requires repentance.

Repentance is not a halfhearted, “Lord, I’m sorry and promise not to do this or that again (whatever the besetting sin).” Nor is repentance tedious labor that we have to sweat to gain God’s acceptance and approval. Perhaps we think after all the work we can feel better about ourselves and feel closer to God when in truth we have not fully surrendered all to Him. Soon enough we find ourselves falling into the same gross sin that we promised God and ourselves we would never to return. So begins a cycle of sin and confess.

True repentance is acknowledging you are in a place you should not be and it means calling upon His Spirit to lead you back to Him. It means 180 degree turn toward God and away from the place of bondage.

Repentance is a reality check for it means acknowledging that Assyria or some other means can’t deliver us. “Assyria cannot save us; we will not mount warhorses. We will never again say ‘Our gods’ to what our own hands have made, for in you the fatherless find compassion.” (Hosea 14:3, NIV).

In measure the Lord judged Assyria because it declared, “By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man.” (Isaiah 10:13, KJV). The very thing we put our trust God will judge and bring to an end so that we may be delivered.

What temptation does the Assyrians represent?

First, Assyria represents human reasoning. A type of arrogant thinking that says in essence, “I can outwit sin’s destruction while still enjoying the pleasures it offers. Somehow I can intellectually manage it in my own strength and will. I’m empowered to make my own choices and can stop at any time.” How quickly a little sip of alcohol or just a few puffs of a cigarette does it take before addiction sets in!

But there’s something much deeper and more hideous at work with human reasoning.

Human reasoning assumes that any ordained boundaries or restrictions set by God doesn't apply to them. They have their reasons and excuses. They were deprived as a child. My habit is genetic or my sin is inherent. I’m lonely so what was I to do?

Whenever we assume something to be true outside what God has already spoken through His word to our hearts; we break fidelity. Instead we take matters in our own hands to satisfy our needs and desires without a thought to what pleases the heart of God. That is why we are instructed in Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (KJV). Recall Romans 1:25 there is a danger in human reasoning to exchange the truth for a lie. What follows is worship for the lesser glory which soon becomes debased and degraded.

Which is why we need His help to change our mindsets and attitude to see our present condition through His eyes - for with such conviction it will cause us to move toward Him - away from a place that so often leads to death.

Remember the work of repentance to change us can only be done by the Spirit of God. Beloved, rest in the promise of Philippians 2:13. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. (NLT).

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Changeless One

On most weekends my wife and I take a drive to visit one of the many neighboring quaint New England towns. We enjoy browsing the various eclectic and antique shops.

While she browses through the dusty and crowded aisles looking at dishes or various knickknacks my attention is directed toward the shelves sagging from the weight of old books, outdated magazines and vinyl records. I'm not at a collector and I'm not interested in purchasing any of it. What draws my attention is how old the stuff is and why at one time it was the "it" thing to listen or read.

Today I picked up a book and studied the cover for several long minutes before turning the pages to see it was published in 1963. Five years before I was born.

How much has changed from when the author first wrote that book to this day some 50 years later!

On the drive home I remarked to my wife that if Christ should tarry some 50 or 100 years from now the stuff that we wore or used for daily activities may be found in a similar store. Imagine someone buying my cereal bowl!

In so many words she recalled that even in our lifetimes such things like the VCR is nearly extinct when you can go online to watch or download a movie. I agreed. Long gone are the days of vinyl records and even the CD player is replaced for digital downloads. Sure some of this stuff will remain in use but with the most current and trendy devices some of the old devices don't make it practical - like the 8 track tape!

Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, "History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new." (NLT). A second look at all those books, magazines and records showed history does repeat itself - nothing of what was written or sung was any different from the past or even the present. Except that life is in constant motion. Change from generation to generation made recycling the past as if to see it in a different light does little to make the present appear new or different. In other words, the days gone by were not necessary always the good old days.

But God who is faithful remains the same from age to age and from generation to generation.

One of His names is the Ancient One of Days (Daniel 7:9). He remains outside of time and space. Unlike our lives that are constricted or shaped by the fickle trends of our time. But consider 2 Corinthians 4:16 which puts everything in right perspective. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. (NIV).

Beloved, true freedom is viewing the stuff that fills our homes and clutter our lives as nothing short of rot - Paul uses a much stronger word in Philippines 3:8 - oh, that we would possess and be possessed by Christ!

In the end what matters is the lives we touched for Christ that will outlast all these passing earthly goods and pleasures. Such will be the only possession we will take with us when we leave this earth - people who saw clearly Christ in our lives not the latest high speed internet gadget or some book or movie we talked about as being moving and entertaining.

Remember the young rich ruler and the words Jesus said to him. Sell all and come follow me! If he did there will be one less antique store selling his goods and so should our lives be - filled and emptied out only to be filled again for His purposes - nothing more and nothing less.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Place Called Far The Less

I believe there is a wound unique to the fatherless.

As adults they have made great strides to better their lives and put at a safe distance their painful past. They may excel at work to be a model employee. At home they work to be a loving father to their children and faithful to their spouse. They attend church and involve themselves in ministry. And they pray and read the Bible with a passionate heart to know God, but struggle to believe He is a good and kind Father. Often their view is a God who sits far above the earth on a glorious throne. Such a distance is almost welcomed because for God to be near means intimacy in hidden places that are painfully scarred.

But every so often they find themselves in a strange place. They may suffer a bout of confusion, of feeling alone and vulnerable and terribly shaken in their faith. They find themselves in a place called far the less.

They feel far the less confident to make sound decisions although they have made many before that were good and wise.
Far the less adequate to relate to those in their family and friends. Gone is the assurance they love them and doubt if they ever had.
Far the less strong to handle the stress at work.
Far the less able to call out to God as a Father that is to be trusted who has only good things for them.

Dark clouds of depression seem to roll across their sunny disposition. Their countenance changes as questions provoke a frothy sea driven storm in their minds. They try to call out to God but He seems absent - much like their father - or cruelly present but fails to acknowledge they are in the same room.

God has a word for those who find themselves surprised that no matter how much growth or improvement has been made they still find themselves in this far the less place.

Luke 15:20 says speaking of the prodigal, "So he got up and went to his father. "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him (italics mine, NIV).

And that is what God does for those who are in the far the less place - He runs toward them - why? Because as the Greek word for distance means to hold back, keep off, to be away, be distant - so often those who were wounded by a father can only go so far in their relationship with God (regardless of being a prodigal or not) and remain stuck unless God comes to them.

When you find yourselves suddenly overwhelmed, lost or doubting just ask God to visit you right where you are no matter your condition. There is a freedom He longs to bring to those who have been fatherless. He desires to break that long standing shackle of despair where hope and vitality seem to be swallowed up in such a far the less place.

I'm learning that such far the less moments is an opportunity to learn more about God's heart as a Father. A Father who only seeks my best and will not fail to help me. Here in my weakness when all my strength has failed I must trust Him even more.

Beloved, you are no less farther from Him than a whisper of His name. He is closer than the air that escapes your lips when you pray. Invite Him into those places to do what He can only do and less will be those moments and greater the freedom and assurance is yours to walk with a head held high as a son or daughter of God!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sin Scratching At The Door

God warned Cain in Genesis 4:7 that sin was crouching at the door but he must rule over it. As we know Cain murdered his brother because his deeds were evil (1 John 3:12). Cain was so enraged he was blinded to the evil he was capable of committing against his brother.

We also read of the men of Sodom wearying themselves by scratching and groping for the door to commit sexual perversion after being blinded by the two angels (Genesis 19:11). Sin brings a feverish madness for those who persists in doing wrong. This sin induced madness is one of the curses described in Deuteronomy 28:28. The LORD will afflict you with madness, blindness and confusion of mind (NIV).

I can remember a time where I was very persistent about a particular sin. It didn't matter how tired I was at the end of the day or if I was not feeling well. My mind raced with schemes to satisfy my lust. I would envision a particular place and the best time to meet a person. Such darken thoughts constantly rolled through my mind all in a feverish attempt to top the last encounter. More! Better! Now! Just as Proverbs 30:15 says, "The leech has two daughters. 'Give! Give!' they cry. "There are three things that are never satisfied, four that never say, 'Enough!' (NIV).

And lust is never enough. It's an inward fire ignited in the soul by unruly passions that quickly spread and consume everything and everyone it touches.

There is a place that Lord will take those who are willing to surrender their lust. It's called Kibroth-hattaavah which means the graves of desire or lust (Numbers 11:34). Here the Israelites sinned in their craving for flesh. So God sent quail in abundance but with it came a plague that destroyed many of them. However, in the same chapter we read of God graciously pouring out His Spirit on seventy elders (11:25). I believe these elders went back into the camp prophesying and those who listened where spared from an inward craving that later destroy many in the end. The message they heard from these Spirit filled leaders caused them to bury their lust.

Only the grace of Christ can quench the feverish mind and restore right thinking. Beloved, only His power can break the cycle of sin that maddens and darkens the mind. Only His grace can quench the heat in the pit of your stomach and cause your mind to see clearly the danger hidden from your eyes by your foolish pursuit to satisfy the flesh.

If you find yourself driven to sin God has a remedy to bring lasting freedom.

I know.

The Lord brought to an end my feverish drive to sin when I received a medical report. To live meant taking the shovel the Holy Spirit handed me and bury my lust. Here I found His grace to save me rather than to let me be separated from Him eternally. He cared to warn Cain although He knew he wouldn't listen.

So how much more does He care for us to be set free not only from our lusts that scratch at forbidden doors but to save us from another fire that is never quenched but rages for all eternity (Mark 9:48)?