Every so often I have to turn one of our house plants. It bends toward the living room window although the room is flooded with natural light.
Likewise, we need to live in the light even though gross darkness around us continues to thicken because we are in the last days. I John 2:10 says, "Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble." (NIV).
When we live and walk in the light we are assured we can't stumble. And someone who's offensive and unkind can't cause us to fall. Why? When we live in the light of Christ we see things clearly - as it really is - not what we understand by natural sight. His light gives us a different perspective so our behavior changes (bends) in conformity to His word.
In our present generation people pride themselves in being enlightened individuals. They know a lot of things but it doesn't make them wise. Or illuminate their spiritual life. True, life experiences have shed some radiance to their understanding to world around them. The internet and other social media outlets feed news and updates in seconds of things that are happening around the world. We are very knowledgeable culture.
But this is not the light of Christ. In fact, much of the information we process may only darken the mind. Only one power source exists for light to penetrate the soul. And that is Jesus who is the light of the world (John 8:12).
Beloved, when we spend just a few minutes a day in His word; you can be certain shadows will fade. Light will always overcome our darkness (John 1:5). So, read a verse. Mediate on it throughout the day. You’ll find it sweeter than honey (Psalms 119:13) and brightening the eyes.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalms 119:105 NIV).
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Saturday, June 23, 2018
He Never Gives Up On Us
I can recall a time when the adolescent years were quickly fading. I was entering young adulthood. One morning, I sat perched on a steep rock overlooking the dark, cobalt blue waters of the Atlantic. The waves rolled and crashed against the beach below. The sky was clear with a few patchy, cotton thin clouds that drifted aimlessly above.
There I read this Scripture in Psalms 36:5, "Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds." (KJV)
How little I understood the Scripture until years later when spiritual, moral and emotional failure lead to me very dark places. Even in those times, God was faithful to call and woo me back to Him.
I'm reminded of the hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness.
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
Thomas Obediah Chisholm (1866-1960)
Because God is faithful we have hope for a brighter tomorrow. We may feel stuck and at loss in what to do or where to go. But God is faithful to leave the ninety-nine sheep to find the one who had wander off into danger (Matthew 18:12). And He is faithful to come running down the road to embrace the prodigal son who came home (Luke 15:20).
And this is my point.
Our condition does not determine His faithfulness to us. He's faithful to His word. What He said He will do. However, the Lord does ask a very soul-searching question. When He returns will He find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8).
A God who never gives up on us, we in turn, must only become more faithful to Him.
There I read this Scripture in Psalms 36:5, "Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds." (KJV)
How little I understood the Scripture until years later when spiritual, moral and emotional failure lead to me very dark places. Even in those times, God was faithful to call and woo me back to Him.
I'm reminded of the hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness.
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
Thomas Obediah Chisholm (1866-1960)
Because God is faithful we have hope for a brighter tomorrow. We may feel stuck and at loss in what to do or where to go. But God is faithful to leave the ninety-nine sheep to find the one who had wander off into danger (Matthew 18:12). And He is faithful to come running down the road to embrace the prodigal son who came home (Luke 15:20).
And this is my point.
Our condition does not determine His faithfulness to us. He's faithful to His word. What He said He will do. However, the Lord does ask a very soul-searching question. When He returns will He find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8).
A God who never gives up on us, we in turn, must only become more faithful to Him.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
An Ever-Increasing Glory
Recently my wife was going through some old photos stretching back to our childhood days. This morning I found a couple of photographs that caught my eye. It was yellowed with age and the copper patina blurred the image.
Still it was me in the photograph. I flipped over another photograph to find my mother's beautiful handwriting describing the work I was doing to help build a church in Brazil. She exclaimed, "Only 14 years old!". That was 35 years ago. I took in a deep breath and placed the photo back on the coffee table.
It seemed like another lifetime when the glory and zeal of youth lent a strength to do nearly anything and everything - and as every young person understands - it seems the world is at your feet with endless possibilities.
But as we age so too our strength fades.
Over the years, some of our youthful dreams shrink and become deflated because of increasing responsibilities and demands.
However, for believers, God promises an ever-increasing glory. A glory that never fades. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV).
Just like Moses who cried out to see His glory this too should be our cry today.
How can this glory be restored in our lives? A pure and holy light that radiates from the inside out with an increasing brightness of His presence?
Prayer. When we seek Him; He will find us. If we draw closer - He moves closer still. And His glory is imparted in our lives. Only if we are willing to let His light pierce any darkness in our hearts. But don't let the focus be on the shame you may feel or problems in your life. Palms 34:5 says, "Keep your eyes on the LORD! You will shine like the sun and never blush with shame." (Psalms 34:5 CEV).
The more we gaze on Him the greater the transformation in our lives. And that is how we move from glory to glory!
Still it was me in the photograph. I flipped over another photograph to find my mother's beautiful handwriting describing the work I was doing to help build a church in Brazil. She exclaimed, "Only 14 years old!". That was 35 years ago. I took in a deep breath and placed the photo back on the coffee table.
It seemed like another lifetime when the glory and zeal of youth lent a strength to do nearly anything and everything - and as every young person understands - it seems the world is at your feet with endless possibilities.
But as we age so too our strength fades.
Over the years, some of our youthful dreams shrink and become deflated because of increasing responsibilities and demands.
However, for believers, God promises an ever-increasing glory. A glory that never fades. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV).
Just like Moses who cried out to see His glory this too should be our cry today.
How can this glory be restored in our lives? A pure and holy light that radiates from the inside out with an increasing brightness of His presence?
Prayer. When we seek Him; He will find us. If we draw closer - He moves closer still. And His glory is imparted in our lives. Only if we are willing to let His light pierce any darkness in our hearts. But don't let the focus be on the shame you may feel or problems in your life. Palms 34:5 says, "Keep your eyes on the LORD! You will shine like the sun and never blush with shame." (Psalms 34:5 CEV).
The more we gaze on Him the greater the transformation in our lives. And that is how we move from glory to glory!
Saturday, June 9, 2018
National Despair
This present generation is experiencing what I call national despair.
The recent news of a famed chef and woman who successfully created fashionable purses both committed suicide. In the article about the recent deaths, it was indicated that suicide in our country has risen substantially.
Our country is reeling from the effects of mental anguish, torment and depression. Violence continues in our schools even with all the effort to curb it. The talk and speech of this country has become crude and divisive. Even those in media who are to be objective and professional now say vile and disgusting things only to issue a tweet or some empty statement to apologize.
Our despair runs similar to those who in the Bible who were taken captive. You can hear it in their voices. Our enemies had brought us here as their prisoners; now they wanted us to sing and entertain them. They insulted us and shouted, "Sing about Zion!" (Psalms 137:3 CEV).
This same Zion that is described as "high and magnificent; the whole earth rejoices to see it! Mount Zion, the holy mountain, is the city of the great King!" (Psalms 48:2 NLT). Zion where God's presence rest but the people of God were far from that place of joy and holy delight.
And like America we have been taken captive by our collective sins. We have moved far from our historical and godly moorings where decency and respect was evident. A time when God once was spoken in reverence both in schools and public places without censor. Now God is a liability to some and to others an offense to speak His name.
But God in His mercy still calls out to us even in our despair. He says, "Return, faithless people," declares the LORD, "for I am your husband. I will choose you--one from a town and two from a clan--and bring you to Zion." (Jeremiah 3:14 NIV).
This nation can be delivered from despair when the people of God call out to Him. He's faithful to deliver His people from depression and distress so others can have hope that there's a reason to live - and experience abundant life.
O beautiful for patriot dream
that sees beyond the years
thine alabaster cities gleam,
undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God mend thine every flaw,
confirm thy soul in self-control,
thy liberty in law.
America the Beautiful
Katharine Lee Bates (August 12, 1859 – March 28, 1929)
The recent news of a famed chef and woman who successfully created fashionable purses both committed suicide. In the article about the recent deaths, it was indicated that suicide in our country has risen substantially.
Our country is reeling from the effects of mental anguish, torment and depression. Violence continues in our schools even with all the effort to curb it. The talk and speech of this country has become crude and divisive. Even those in media who are to be objective and professional now say vile and disgusting things only to issue a tweet or some empty statement to apologize.
Our despair runs similar to those who in the Bible who were taken captive. You can hear it in their voices. Our enemies had brought us here as their prisoners; now they wanted us to sing and entertain them. They insulted us and shouted, "Sing about Zion!" (Psalms 137:3 CEV).
This same Zion that is described as "high and magnificent; the whole earth rejoices to see it! Mount Zion, the holy mountain, is the city of the great King!" (Psalms 48:2 NLT). Zion where God's presence rest but the people of God were far from that place of joy and holy delight.
And like America we have been taken captive by our collective sins. We have moved far from our historical and godly moorings where decency and respect was evident. A time when God once was spoken in reverence both in schools and public places without censor. Now God is a liability to some and to others an offense to speak His name.
But God in His mercy still calls out to us even in our despair. He says, "Return, faithless people," declares the LORD, "for I am your husband. I will choose you--one from a town and two from a clan--and bring you to Zion." (Jeremiah 3:14 NIV).
This nation can be delivered from despair when the people of God call out to Him. He's faithful to deliver His people from depression and distress so others can have hope that there's a reason to live - and experience abundant life.
O beautiful for patriot dream
that sees beyond the years
thine alabaster cities gleam,
undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God mend thine every flaw,
confirm thy soul in self-control,
thy liberty in law.
America the Beautiful
Katharine Lee Bates (August 12, 1859 – March 28, 1929)
Saturday, June 2, 2018
My Helper
Jesus promised us, "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever," (John 14:16 ESV). What a comfort to know that regardless to our circumstances God will help us. He is always on time (Psalm 46:5). He will never let us be destroyed but summon all His power to bring the aid we need to overcome.
Help is such a small word yet our egos seem so much bigger. We don't like losing control. Independence (at least for the American culture) is a god of sorts. Choice and options to receive help other than God is numerous.
King Ahaziah had fallen through the lattice in his upper room. He was seriously wounded so he sought out Baal-zebub, god of Ekron. In response, Elijah came with this message: "This is what the LORD says: Why did you send messengers to Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, to ask whether you will recover? Is there no God in Israel to answer your question? Therefore, because you have done this, you will never leave the bed you are lying on; you will surely die." (2 Kings 1:16 NLT).
Pride will keep us from asking help. And arrogance will lead us to seek help in other places because we don't believe God will do anything about it. We can point to the number of unanswered prayers. And prayers that God responded but the answer was not what we were expecting leaving us doubting even more if we were actually heard. So like King Ahaziah we take matters in our own hands often creating a bigger problem.
Please don't misunderstand. God can use any number of resources to help us from doctors, lawyers, officers of the law, psychologists etc. But what pleases Him the most is we stop long enough to ask for His help. He will be faithful to lead us to the right place at the right time so we can receive the benefits of His help. A relief that is sustainable and lasting not just for the moment but builds faith in our hearts that God cares for us.
Whatever the need or problem just whisper His name. Ask Him to help you. That's all. Make no promises to do better or try to clean up your home or act. Come to the Father. Come and ask for help.
With one word from His lips deliverance will be commanded. You will be lifted up because in humility you sought His face (1 Peter 5:6).
Help is such a small word yet our egos seem so much bigger. We don't like losing control. Independence (at least for the American culture) is a god of sorts. Choice and options to receive help other than God is numerous.
King Ahaziah had fallen through the lattice in his upper room. He was seriously wounded so he sought out Baal-zebub, god of Ekron. In response, Elijah came with this message: "This is what the LORD says: Why did you send messengers to Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, to ask whether you will recover? Is there no God in Israel to answer your question? Therefore, because you have done this, you will never leave the bed you are lying on; you will surely die." (2 Kings 1:16 NLT).
Pride will keep us from asking help. And arrogance will lead us to seek help in other places because we don't believe God will do anything about it. We can point to the number of unanswered prayers. And prayers that God responded but the answer was not what we were expecting leaving us doubting even more if we were actually heard. So like King Ahaziah we take matters in our own hands often creating a bigger problem.
Please don't misunderstand. God can use any number of resources to help us from doctors, lawyers, officers of the law, psychologists etc. But what pleases Him the most is we stop long enough to ask for His help. He will be faithful to lead us to the right place at the right time so we can receive the benefits of His help. A relief that is sustainable and lasting not just for the moment but builds faith in our hearts that God cares for us.
Whatever the need or problem just whisper His name. Ask Him to help you. That's all. Make no promises to do better or try to clean up your home or act. Come to the Father. Come and ask for help.
With one word from His lips deliverance will be commanded. You will be lifted up because in humility you sought His face (1 Peter 5:6).
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