Tuesday, January 8, 2013

An Ordered Mind

We live in a world where minds are becoming increasing darkened and depraved. Confusion, depression, suicidal thoughts and demonic images cloud their once rational minds until they commit a violent act. Stress bears down on the man who is fearful of losing his job and wondering how he is take care of his children. A soldier returning from war are haunted by what they witnessed. A spouse goes to bed at night only to toss and turn in their sleep, tormented by a secret they are afraid could be exposed.

The believer is not exempt in experiencing times of confusion, emotional pain, doubts and sadness that can so easily distort the mind. What often results is a lack of peace, a surety that God is in control.

When God created the earth is was formless and void (Genesis 1:2). The Hebrew words tohu and bohu mean emptiness and confusion. In some ways this describes a type of mind without the Spirit of God. Devoid and empty, given to confusion and disorder.

For the believer, God's word, much as He did in speaking creation into existence, brings order to our mind. We have in Christ a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). The Greek word defines sound mind as reasonable, safe-minded and sensible. All the qualities we need to have an ordered mind in a chaotic world.

Beloved, each day we must read His word and declare out loud (that's right, open your mouth and speak aloud the passage of Scripture). Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God - listening helps resonate the truth of what is spoken.

You can do this by reading a Psalms or some other passage and pray through it. For example, Psalms 23 say the Lord is my Shepherd. "Father, I'm not alone because your are my Shepherd! Guide me through this day because your word says Your sheep know your voice. Oh, Lord I desire to hear your voice, and your voice alone!"

As you stand on His word, peace will flow and your mind will be renewed, refresh and ordered.

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