Saturday, May 30, 2015

Alone Places

One of the most comforting verses is found in Isaiah 41:10. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (NIV).

To the lonely God says, "You are not alone because I am with you." To the downcast and depressed God says, "I will uphold you." And to the weak He says, "I'm your strength."

When I remind myself that God is real - an ever present help in times of trouble it causes me to see things differently. And it makes me believe differently - through the eyes of faith. Yes, the deadlines at work are stressful but it loses its vice grip on my mind.

The Holy Spirit helps me to zoom out like a camera to see the bigger picture. God is at work regardless to my condition or state of mind. He is using these trying moments for my good. I may feel alone and disconnected but in these times His desire is the strongest to draw me to His side.

Beloved, loneliness does not mean the lack of meaningful relationships. In fact I believe some of the most lonely people may be those who have many friends but all the while their heart's need for true connection remains unsatisfied that only God can meet.

Think of the Lord who was surrounded by thousands and had a close knit circle of disciples but it says He withdrew to lonely places to pray (Luke 5:16).

Here in this passage Jesus is revealing to us a precious secret.

Rather than letting loneliness drive us we should use it to press into an intimate space of prayer. Yes, our culture would offer any number of options to bring a measure of comfort from social gatherings to various social media outlets. Even Christians offer alternatives to ease the loneliness but sadly prayer is the last on the list.

I am not saying become a recluse or isolate yourself from all human contact - we are to stay connected to the community of believers - but take those lonely moments to get alone with God.

And there in that alone place you will discover that it's God's heart that has suffered the most loneliness...until you speak to Him. I believe that prayer soothes His deepest longings. The same longing when He asked Adam and Eve after the fall, "Where are you?"

The moment we say, "God, I'm here." He comes running toward us with arms stretched wide to receive us. When we are so preoccupied in filling our lonely spaces we tend to neglect pray which only deepens His own pain.

Sometimes in prayer I find myself stretching out my hand. I close my eyes and could almost feel Him taking my hand. And always He says those simple words, "Walk with me." We leave that place of prayer together and throughout the day His hand never leaves mine. The alone places become a place of strength and joy.

And all I do is want to be alone with Him.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Wormwood and Gall

Lamentations 3:19-20 says "Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall! My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me" (ESV).

What is this wormwood and gall? Resentment. One simple definition of resentment is a wound or an offense that soon becomes infected. Resentment goes one step further: it re-sends it back to the one who inflicted the grievous blow!

In the Christian life the Lord may direct us to places we rather not go. He may ask us to do things we rather not do. Or He may instruct us to be silent when we want to give our opinion especially after being offended by someone close to us.

In other words, our life is not our own and this could result in harboring a resentful attitude toward the Lord. We don't fully understand some of the difficulties and afflictions in our life. We believe He should spare us from unexplained pain. It does not help that our American culture embraces all sorts of rights and entitlements all in the effort to have a self directed life with a single purpose of being happy.

God is not concerned with our ever changing need to be happy but rather He desires a willing life to trust Him. God is good and the end result of Him conforming us to His image will be our highest delight. It does mean suffering, trials and temptations or whatever means God uses to shape us into fine child that represents His nature.

The writer of Lamentations gives a key to overcoming resentment. "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not (verse 22 KJV).

When we realize the Lord is the offended party as a result of our sin and disobedience; He has every reason to destroy us except for His rich mercy that stays His hand. So why do we think we can "re-sent" our anger and shake our fists at the heavens toward a God who only has our good in mind?

Beloved, the sacrifice of praise in tough and challenging times will help us bring our focus back to recalling His mercy. It will keep out resentment from infecting the mind and heart.

So many times this past week I had fallen into a grumbling and complaining spirit. But when I chose to verbally (yes,out loud) say, "Thank you, Jesus. I love you." the atmosphere changed and so did my attitude. Rather than "re-send" to Him a list of complaints I sent Him worship. Worship will always move His heart and it's worship that puts everything in right perspective. He is God and I am not. He is sovereign and knows what is best - I do not. What follows is a humble submission to His sovereign care knowing I live because of His mercy.

If you are resentful why not lift both hands up and worship Him. He will remove that corrupt spirit of wormwood and gall and give you refreshing mercy to comfort your trouble heart.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Moving From Here To There

One of the key words in the book of Hosea is acknowledge. Acknowledgement simply means to accept or deny the truth.

Israel’s failure of acknowledging God was two-fold. First, they did not regard God who brought them out of a place of bondage (Egypt) and into the Promise Land (Israel) as a covenanted people. Secondly, they would not acknowledge their unfaithfulness which brought on their present condition. So they remained in a place of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. The prophet urged them, “Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” (Hosea 6:3, KJV).

The movement in our lives from here in a place of brokenness and oppression to there – where God is calling us - requires repentance.

Repentance is not a halfhearted, “Lord, I’m sorry and promise not to do this or that again (whatever the besetting sin).” Nor is repentance tedious labor that we have to sweat to gain God’s acceptance and approval. Perhaps we think after all the work we can feel better about ourselves and feel closer to God when in truth we have not fully surrendered all to Him. Soon enough we find ourselves falling into the same gross sin that we promised God and ourselves we would never to return. So begins a cycle of sin and confess.

True repentance is acknowledging you are in a place you should not be and it means calling upon His Spirit to lead you back to Him. It means 180 degree turn toward God and away from the place of bondage.

Repentance is a reality check for it means acknowledging that Assyria or some other means can’t deliver us. “Assyria cannot save us; we will not mount warhorses. We will never again say ‘Our gods’ to what our own hands have made, for in you the fatherless find compassion.” (Hosea 14:3, NIV).

In measure the Lord judged Assyria because it declared, “By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man.” (Isaiah 10:13, KJV). The very thing we put our trust God will judge and bring to an end so that we may be delivered.

What temptation does the Assyrians represent?

First, Assyria represents human reasoning. A type of arrogant thinking that says in essence, “I can outwit sin’s destruction while still enjoying the pleasures it offers. Somehow I can intellectually manage it in my own strength and will. I’m empowered to make my own choices and can stop at any time.” How quickly a little sip of alcohol or just a few puffs of a cigarette does it take before addiction sets in!

But there’s something much deeper and more hideous at work with human reasoning.

Human reasoning assumes that any ordained boundaries or restrictions set by God doesn't apply to them. They have their reasons and excuses. They were deprived as a child. My habit is genetic or my sin is inherent. I’m lonely so what was I to do?

Whenever we assume something to be true outside what God has already spoken through His word to our hearts; we break fidelity. Instead we take matters in our own hands to satisfy our needs and desires without a thought to what pleases the heart of God. That is why we are instructed in Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (KJV). Recall Romans 1:25 there is a danger in human reasoning to exchange the truth for a lie. What follows is worship for the lesser glory which soon becomes debased and degraded.

Which is why we need His help to change our mindsets and attitude to see our present condition through His eyes - for with such conviction it will cause us to move toward Him - away from a place that so often leads to death.

Remember the work of repentance to change us can only be done by the Spirit of God. Beloved, rest in the promise of Philippians 2:13. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. (NLT).

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Changeless One

On most weekends my wife and I take a drive to visit one of the many neighboring quaint New England towns. We enjoy browsing the various eclectic and antique shops.

While she browses through the dusty and crowded aisles looking at dishes or various knickknacks my attention is directed toward the shelves sagging from the weight of old books, outdated magazines and vinyl records. I'm not at a collector and I'm not interested in purchasing any of it. What draws my attention is how old the stuff is and why at one time it was the "it" thing to listen or read.

Today I picked up a book and studied the cover for several long minutes before turning the pages to see it was published in 1963. Five years before I was born.

How much has changed from when the author first wrote that book to this day some 50 years later!

On the drive home I remarked to my wife that if Christ should tarry some 50 or 100 years from now the stuff that we wore or used for daily activities may be found in a similar store. Imagine someone buying my cereal bowl!

In so many words she recalled that even in our lifetimes such things like the VCR is nearly extinct when you can go online to watch or download a movie. I agreed. Long gone are the days of vinyl records and even the CD player is replaced for digital downloads. Sure some of this stuff will remain in use but with the most current and trendy devices some of the old devices don't make it practical - like the 8 track tape!

Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, "History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new." (NLT). A second look at all those books, magazines and records showed history does repeat itself - nothing of what was written or sung was any different from the past or even the present. Except that life is in constant motion. Change from generation to generation made recycling the past as if to see it in a different light does little to make the present appear new or different. In other words, the days gone by were not necessary always the good old days.

But God who is faithful remains the same from age to age and from generation to generation.

One of His names is the Ancient One of Days (Daniel 7:9). He remains outside of time and space. Unlike our lives that are constricted or shaped by the fickle trends of our time. But consider 2 Corinthians 4:16 which puts everything in right perspective. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. (NIV).

Beloved, true freedom is viewing the stuff that fills our homes and clutter our lives as nothing short of rot - Paul uses a much stronger word in Philippines 3:8 - oh, that we would possess and be possessed by Christ!

In the end what matters is the lives we touched for Christ that will outlast all these passing earthly goods and pleasures. Such will be the only possession we will take with us when we leave this earth - people who saw clearly Christ in our lives not the latest high speed internet gadget or some book or movie we talked about as being moving and entertaining.

Remember the young rich ruler and the words Jesus said to him. Sell all and come follow me! If he did there will be one less antique store selling his goods and so should our lives be - filled and emptied out only to be filled again for His purposes - nothing more and nothing less.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Place Called Far The Less

I believe there is a wound unique to the fatherless.

As adults they have made great strides to better their lives and put at a safe distance their painful past. They may excel at work to be a model employee. At home they work to be a loving father to their children and faithful to their spouse. They attend church and involve themselves in ministry. And they pray and read the Bible with a passionate heart to know God, but struggle to believe He is a good and kind Father. Often their view is a God who sits far above the earth on a glorious throne. Such a distance is almost welcomed because for God to be near means intimacy in hidden places that are painfully scarred.

But every so often they find themselves in a strange place. They may suffer a bout of confusion, of feeling alone and vulnerable and terribly shaken in their faith. They find themselves in a place called far the less.

They feel far the less confident to make sound decisions although they have made many before that were good and wise.
Far the less adequate to relate to those in their family and friends. Gone is the assurance they love them and doubt if they ever had.
Far the less strong to handle the stress at work.
Far the less able to call out to God as a Father that is to be trusted who has only good things for them.

Dark clouds of depression seem to roll across their sunny disposition. Their countenance changes as questions provoke a frothy sea driven storm in their minds. They try to call out to God but He seems absent - much like their father - or cruelly present but fails to acknowledge they are in the same room.

God has a word for those who find themselves surprised that no matter how much growth or improvement has been made they still find themselves in this far the less place.

Luke 15:20 says speaking of the prodigal, "So he got up and went to his father. "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him (italics mine, NIV).

And that is what God does for those who are in the far the less place - He runs toward them - why? Because as the Greek word for distance means to hold back, keep off, to be away, be distant - so often those who were wounded by a father can only go so far in their relationship with God (regardless of being a prodigal or not) and remain stuck unless God comes to them.

When you find yourselves suddenly overwhelmed, lost or doubting just ask God to visit you right where you are no matter your condition. There is a freedom He longs to bring to those who have been fatherless. He desires to break that long standing shackle of despair where hope and vitality seem to be swallowed up in such a far the less place.

I'm learning that such far the less moments is an opportunity to learn more about God's heart as a Father. A Father who only seeks my best and will not fail to help me. Here in my weakness when all my strength has failed I must trust Him even more.

Beloved, you are no less farther from Him than a whisper of His name. He is closer than the air that escapes your lips when you pray. Invite Him into those places to do what He can only do and less will be those moments and greater the freedom and assurance is yours to walk with a head held high as a son or daughter of God!