Monday, January 14, 2013

A Hollow Place

Samson was a man driven by roaring, fleshly appetites. He can be easily enraged or quickly seduced or act like a petulant child when he demanded his parents to get him a Philistine wife.

Despite his weakness and sins, God used him to bring his people deliverance from the oppression of the Philistines.

Even after a stunning victory when Samson killed 1,000 Philistines with a jaw bone, he complained for the lack of water (Judges 15:18). The Lord answered him and out of a hollow placed filled it with cool, refreshing water (verse 19).

Samson's complaint echoes the same murmuring of the Israelites for water in the wilderness. What should have been an opportunity to trust the Lord in providing fresh water, became a place of bitter contention. The place was called Marah (Exodus 15:23-24).

For Samson, it was a hollow place, empty and void despite a triumphant battle. Why? Because he missed an opportunity to simply trust God for provision. In his flesh, Samson complained and demanded for his urgent need to be met.

What if Samson denied his thirst long enough to ask what was the Lord's need for Samson? The need for a man to trust Him, to walk and commune with Him? Not a relationship based on meeting demands and desires, but simply to love Him.

In those moments when we feel crushed by the weight of our pressing needs all the Lord desires from us is that we draw close to Him.

Listen to Him. Adore Him. Take His hand and walk with Him. For you see, God longs to take our hollow places and fill them with living water. When we have emptied our selves, God can fill us afresh!

Let's stop long enough to ask, "God, you already know my needs even before I ask You, but I want to know what is on your heart, your mind. What is your longing? How I can bring pleasure to you today?"

Moses did just that by asking God to show him the glory of the Lord (Exodus 33:18). Later, God places Moses in a crevice (a hollowed out place) when His glory passed by him.

If we allow God to take our hollow places, those holes in our hearts and souls, He will make them a hallowed place where His presence will completely fill and satisfy.

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