What comes to mind when you think of someone being different? A person who is a non-conformist? Someone who exhibits unusual behaviors or traits? Or perhaps an individual gifted by rare talent and abilities?
As children of God, we are called to make a difference in this world by living very different lives than that of the world. For the most part, the world lives by instinct and feeling, driven by needs and ambition. These are lives that move from one event to another event and from one experience to the next – all in hopes to fill that inexplicable void and emptiness as result of a life outside of Christ.
Godly character speaks louder than words because it attests to the life of Christ within us. For us to be different, it matters who and what we are in Christ than what we do. Anything we do is a mere extension of God working His life in and through us so that we can make a Godly impress on those around us.
Caleb was a man with a different spirit and would enter the promise land while an entire generation of Israelites died in the wilderness (Number 14:24). At 80 years old, he entered the Promise Land. He took his rightful inheritance which at the time was ruled by giants (Joshua 14:10-13). I believe Caleb’s different spirit had such an impact that his son-in-law, Othniel, would be the first deliverer and judge in Israel.
I believe people are not looking for perfection. They are more interested in how a true man or woman of God can overcome failure, a crisis or any number of life’s troubles.
This is what truly sets us apart as being different.
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