Monday, January 28, 2013

Prayers of Remembrance

Just how effective is our prayers?

Only recently I asked the Lord are my prayers effective or futile? Do my prayers move the heart of God?

Beloved, have you ever stopped in middle of prayer and thought, who am I praying to? It’s not that we forget that we are addressing God but there are times when we catch ourselves saying catch phrases or cliches when speaking to God.

Matthew 26:7-13 records a woman, presumably Mary, pouring a costly fragrance over the Lord's head. Jesus says in verse 12, “For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial”.

But isn't that much like prayer? We come to God in our broken state and pour out our precious petitions. I don’t believe this woman came with the intent to anoint Jesus for His burial. To Jesus, her offering was to be for a different purpose.

Verse 13 is the key when Jesus says to everyone listening, “what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her”. By remembering Him, Jesus said this woman will be remembered forever whenever the gospel is preached.

So what did Mary see that the disciples or religious couldn't see in Jesus?

I believe as she poured the oil over His head, she was anointing her King. Just as Samuel poured oil over David to anoint him as king (a type of Christ). This woman represents the church, His bride who He will never forget.

When she first entered the room, she was a broken woman. But when she left, her head was lifted, her eyes ablaze for she had seen her King and she would never forget the God who remembers her not for her sin and failure, but as His bride.

When we remember a God who has never forgotten us or the prayers we utter, we pray the most effective prayers.

Here are three keys:

1. You are not forgotten. Cornelius was remembered for his prayers and alms (Acts 10:4). Daniel was heard in Babylonian captivity (10:11-12). God remembered Israel while in Egypt (Exodus 2:23-24). And God remembered Noah and his family while in the Ark (Genesis 8:1). And He remembers you!

2. God wants us to call Him into remembrance of the promises He has spoken to us (Psalms 119:49-50)

3. Rehearse the good things God has done and recall His promises. This produces a heart of worship. As a result, our memories become sweeter and tender when we act upon His word (James 1:22-23).

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