Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Lord's Day

Sunday is an interesting day as it falls at the end of the week but serves to transition into a new week. For the most part, city streets are empty and some stores are closed for business. The world around seems to pause even though there are events and activities still going on all around and across the world.

In Genesis 2:2 it says, "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made." (KJV). For the Jews, this marked the Shabbat, a time of rest and reflection of God's creation starting on Friday evening to the first three stars appearing on Saturday evening.

Sunday has been described as the Lord's Day. The first mention of the Lord's Day is in Revelation 1:10. The beloved John was on the island of Patmos as a prisoner when on the Lord's Day he received a revelation of things which are and things to come (Revelation 1:19). Sunday is day of transition from the past and into the future.

As we enter the new week, on the Lord's Day, we don't know what we are to encounter in the week to come. Some of us are glad to have survived last week and rather not repeat it again.

In our world today, it might be unavoidable to work on a Sunday but we can learn a principal from Isaiah 58:13-14.

We must learn to enjoy what it means to rest in the Lord. This is something that doesn't come easy for those who are caught in a frenzy of activity. Even though much of the activity can actually wait for another day. So I wonder if doing less is better than doing more? If anything, on the Lord's Day we shore up our energy and strength for the days ahead.

The promise in Isaiah 30:15 is for those who chose to rest.

For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not. (KJV).

We will have a renewed sense of confidence and strength when we let go of the busyness for one day and rest.

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