Saturday, January 16, 2016

Love Everlasting

The love of God makes us fearless.

The more we understand His love greater is our strength to believe Him for the impossible and the impassable things in our lives.

Such as impassable mountains can be removed not something we scale or circle around it - those imposing rocky fortresses - of wrong thinking, bad attitudes and a spirit of unbelief - can be brought low.

If there is one mountain that is common to all and one of the most difficult to remove is fear.

The Bible tells us that perfect (mature) love throws out fear (1 John 4:18). Just as Jesus said to the disciples when asked to why they couldn't cast the demon from a boy brought by a desperate father pleading for his deliverance. The Lord's response was simple.

Prayer is the key to deliverance (Mark 9:29).

So what do we do when we are afraid? We pray. Psalms 56:3 says, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." (NIV). Such is the maturing work of love when pressing into God through prayer. It's been said faith is pressing into fearful places. Any one can love God when all is going well and blessings flow but when we go through the shadow of death is yet another thing.

Beloved, fear should not be a motivation to do or act in our human strength as if to prove we trust God but rather we must rest on His promises. God says that in quietness and rest is our strength (Isaiah 30:15).

Fear wants to paralyze us but as the woman bleeding out - she pressed through the crowd to stretch out her trembling hand for her fingertips to brush the Lord's robe. Such a desperate act was an extension of faith that drew power from God.

If your marriage is failing or your son or daughter is bound - pray! Have you sinned grievously (again and again) - pray! Are you ill or just ill tempered? Pray! Your words may falter and feel flat. Your heart may feel miles from God. He may seem silent and untouchable - but this is just a thin paper veil of flesh and demonic whisperings. There is a place that suddenly God breaks through and makes His Presence known. Suddenly He lifts you up just like Peter sinking on the stormy seas! At the cry of your voice God appears with fresh grace and mercy. Everything changes!

So press in and as you do faith is exercised and stretched - and love is increased in a God who is real and will act on your behalf!

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