Saturday, January 23, 2016

Breaking The Spirit Of Manipulation

For those who feel weak and ineffective to exert control will sometimes use manipulation.

We twist and turn a conversation toward or away from us as a defensive or offensive mechanism. We re-direct people's attention to look or think elsewhere while not looking at the obvious - of what is really going on in secret. We become quite skilled in deceptive and underhanded practices but fail to realize we become deceived. Eventually, we are ensnared by our own words and the many lies we've told that we don't even know the truth ourselves!

Such was the life of Jacob who was called supplanter. (Genesis 27:36). A supplanter is one who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the place of another ( Jacob wanted the rights and blessings of the first born which was not his to possess. Along with the help of his mother, Jacob disguised himself as his older brother to deceive his father to bless him.

What breaks a spirit of manipulation is the light of Christ.

Those who harbored secrets and lived double lives will attest. What ever is hidden in darkness will fester and grow. Over time it becomes evident in our behavior (I Timothy 5:24). Once light is shown, truth confronts lies that bind a soul.

So the question remains: are we willing to come clean and let His light pierce our darkness?

Isaiah 42:16 holds out this promise. I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. (NIV).

When we are willing to have Him lead us into the light of His Presence; it will devour our darkness.

How freeing it is when there is nothing hidden or buried deep in the heart. We can be at peace and know a sweet rest that we are walking in the truth. The accusations of the Devil can not stick. And the confidence of being a child of light is restored.

Beloved, just ask Him for help. It's that simple. God knows how to liberate the captive heart. Truth and light will break the spirit of manipulation. Like Jacob who wrestled all night with an Angel, that deceptive spirit was broken and he limped into the promises of God (Genesis 32:31). And his name was changed to Israel.

God may wound us to break that which binds us but we will be the freest people who knows the depths of His love for us.

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