Saturday, August 8, 2015

No More Diminished Returns

My two sisters are in a crisis in their relationships that appears broken beyond repair. The men they had believed who loved and cared for them soon showed their true character. At one time their hearts felt a surge of hope and life seemed bright, full of opportunity and potential with the man of their dreams by their side.

Now everything has turned dark.

They are left with mounting bills and crying children. Long hours at work have left them exhausted to meet the demands waiting at home. In the lonely, dark hours of the night their thoughts turn to God but it seems the heavens are like brass. They whisper a prayer for relief and comfort but it feels like sand slipping through their fingers tips. Nothing seems certain except another day of struggling and yearning for some break through to take them far from this place.

As I listened to them, I kept hearing the words, "diminished returns". How many lives invest in a relationship with the hope of having some return of love, respect and care only to find that no matter their effort; the return is small or non-existent. It makes you wonder was it worth spending and pouring out your soul for someone who leaves you to mop up the mess they make?

God is not like human relationships. Remember the woman who poured out her worship by spilling costly perfume. Though the religious decried such waste (Mark 14:4) but Jesus saw it differently. At His feet was a broken woman from a life that may have been unkind and cruel. He saw what relationships both failed and promising had done to her heart. Her smallest effort to reach His heart moved Jesus so much that He said that where ever the gospel is preached that what she did will be a lasting memorial!

Beloved, you may be experiencing pain from broken relationships. Your son may have turned to a life of drugs. A daughter set on marrying a man that is not godly. A husband who is not faithful or a wife that refuses to tell what is really going on. No matter what you feel or the condition of the relationship call out to Him! Prayer is never a wasted effort. God hears the cry of the broken. The Scriptures tells us that He bottles our tears (Psalm 56:8).

God has invested His Son's life for your life. How much more can we give Him our lives - broken, wasted and used up. Here's a promise to comfort you in times of distress that no matter how broken a relationship you are loved by Him enough that He'll exchange anything to have you!

Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life. (Isaiah 43:4 NIV).

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