Wednesday, December 18, 2013

You Have Not Lacked Anything

Some two weeks ago my wife had an initial interview for a job only to learn today they declined offering her the position. It was one of those generic, cold but polite emails. It has been eight months with very little response to her job submissions, even after professional input to polish her résumé. Two interviews were netted but when the weeks roll on with no response, it's plain that there is no intent in hiring. Each night we read the Word and pray with an eager anticipation that God has something wonderful in store for her!

As customary, I read the Bible while having lunch. I flipped through the pages looking for a short passage when the Lord directed my eyes to Deuteronomy 2:7, "The LORD your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. These forty years the LORD your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything." (NIV).

At that instant the Holy Spirit reminded me. "I have blessed your hands to work, even now you are sitting at work! I have watched over you all your life. I am with you." Then my eyes rested on these words that cheered my heart. "You have not lacked anything." Truth be told, my wife's lost opportunity was not adding to the present lack because God has and is providing from His store house. God is our sufficiency in our deficiency!

I started to recall the many blessings of His provision in particular this journey to the East Coast. Starting with my winter boots that were on the floor tucked under the chair. As a child mother made sure we had warm boots for the long, cold snowy winters. I'm reminded that God kept the sandals of the Israelites from wearing out and maintained their clothing for 40 years! (Deuteronomy 8:4). If God does not supply, He will always sustain His existing provision (often to teach us a lesson in gratitude and humility).

In a world where many are in desperate need, it's time for us to be thankful for what He has graciously given us rather than focusing on our lack and wants. And be thankful for what He takes away because it means more of Him!

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