Friday, December 27, 2013

No Sweeter Word

Jeremiah 15 uses strong language to describe God's displeasure at Israel's persistent sin and backsliding. You have rejected me," declares the LORD. "You keep on backsliding. So I will reach out and destroy you; I am tired of holding back (verse 6, NIV).

The Lord describes the judgments that will fall on the land and people. I will bereave them of children, I will destroy my people...(verse 7)...widows are increased...(verse 8)...thy substance and thy treasures will I give to the spoil without price...(verse 13) and to captivity you will go (verse 14).

Then Jeremiah makes this wonderful statement about God's word.

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts." (verse 16, KJV). Even with the word of the Lord of coming destruction and disaster, the prophet can say, your words bring me joy and rejoice my heart.

How is it that God's word of judgment can bring any joy? The prophet is not rejoicing over the destruction and pain of his people but he knows the heart of God. He understands something about the word of God that I believe is important for our generation.

Too often in our present church culture we want easy and soft messages on blessing and prosperity. Nothing to prick our conscience or move us to repent and change. Yes, God blesses and He prospers. But when He speaks of redemptive judgment to correct us from our backsliding it is only to restore and heal us.

What are we hearing when God speaks directly and strongly to those things in our lives which He has been speaking to us about for a very long time?

I think of man who learned years ago that he was HIV positive. God was dealing with this young man for many years to surrender. But to deliver him God brought to an end his life of sin so he could be restored. What did this man hear from God? Did he hear an angry and vindictive God who said you got what you deserved? You knew the truth and refused my help or correction!

To his understanding, he heard in God's word a warning never to go back or his soul (something more precious and priceless) was at peril, but if he got up from sitting in regret and self-pity and walk toward the one Father who loved him, healing was available. This man discovered the truth God chastens those He loves. To the depths that God was willing to rescue him using very severe measures only made him love God more because His word brought joy and rejoicing to his heart.

Beloved, we can hear judgment or we can hear the undertones of a God who aches with longing to restore. No matter how hard or difficult to hear, there's nothing sweeter than His word.

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