Thursday, May 30, 2013

When You Bless His Heart

You bless the heart of God when through the tears, you choose to lift your eyes to heaven and say, "Thank you, though I don't understand, I know You do, so thank you for You are here with me. You will not leave me alone."

Beloved, I encourage you to open your mouth and say out loud words to the effect, "I chose to bless You, oh Lord. I will worship You alone. I will be thankful!" It may not be a natural response when you experience pain or some difficult time. At first, your flesh will resist such an effort, but as you agree to God's word, the bad attitude and resistance will lose its grip.

Something supernatural happens when you chose to bless His heart rather than to blame Him or become angry or grow silent in His presence. True, things might not change immediately and the circumstances may even worsen but there is a peace that floods your soul. When you push past the desire to complain and bless Him, you truly sense the presence of the Lord in and around you. I believe complaining is nothing short of demonic worship. It only elevates the devil and his works while dishonoring the Lord's willingness and power to do good in our lives.

Such was a day for me after hearing some discouraging news. I walked toward home only to stop at a small park. I sat down and poured out my heart to the Lord. I was truthful about the anger, frustration and questions when my eyes caught birds gathering just a few feet away. The were picking up bread crumbs left by someone who scattered them on the grass.

God spoke to my heart, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" (Matthew 6:26 NIV).

I had a reason to be thankful. God takes care of His own creation, including me and I was far more valuable than birds. This simple illustration softened my heart to bless Him rather than grumble or wallow in self-pity.

My dear brothers and sisters, it is challenging to bless God in trying times but we can't afford to miss the presence of God who delights to deliver us.

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