Monday, May 20, 2013

Go And Do Likewise

Recently a young man was shot in New York City's Greenwich Village because he was gay. I put down the newspaper feeling overwhelmed by the hatred and violence of someone pulling a trigger, destroying a life.

I thought of him dying on the way to the hospital - and my heart broke - Jesus what have we become as a nation? As a people of God are we no longer stirred for both men - one swallowed up by hatred and evil, no doubt possessed by devils. Another man living a life outside of Christ believing his days were full of promise stretching beyond the horizon only for it to end abruptly at the edge of dirty curb?

Some Christians might pass by a dying homosexual or some another individual who is drunk or strung out on drugs and keep walking because to associate means to accommodate. Other Christians might help but be fearful of being viewed as tolerant.

What utter nonsense!

We who have the Spirit of Christ can be His hands, feet and eyes to a dying world. We can serve in His power without the fear of being corrupted or twisted. Jesus sat and ate with sinners. He talked, laughed and instructed them around their kitchen tables while reclining in their homes, but He was not changed by them. They were changed by His presence.

In Luke 10:30 Jesus tells the parable of the man who was robbed and beaten, wounded on the street. A religious ruler passing by did nothing to help. A Levi went so far as to cross the street to avoid the injured man.

So Jesus asked this question, "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" (verse 36).

Only the Samaritan, an outcast by Jewish society came to the aid of the dying man. The Samaritans, often called dogs, part Gentile and part Israelite had a dark history of idolatry stemming past the Assyrian conquest that dispersed the 10 tribes of Israel with other wicked nations.

Yes, those who go and do likewise are those who know first hand the mercy of God. Their history may be stained and marked. They are the outcast, the marginalized, the exploited and the used up ones.

They are the ones who are the hands and feet of God, treading across the street to gently lift the head of those who are dying to give them hope.

God's love for others make them fearless because too they have been in those same dark, places!

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