Saturday, October 20, 2018

Age And Maturity

This past September I turned fifty years old. Age and maturity is very different. A twenty year old might behave like a forty year old while someone in their sixties like a teenager.

Spiritual maturity and physical age don't always run concurrent. A child can speak wisdom that astounds us.

In the letter to Philemon, the Apostle Paul appealed for Onesimus. Onesimus was a runaway slave who later encountered Paul. He became a believer and served Paul (verse 11).

The depth of Paul's spiritual maturity is expressed verse 9, "...I prefer to appeal to you on the basis of love. It is as none other than Paul--an old man and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus " (NIV).

As we grow in Christ a deeper understanding of God's grace gives us a different outlook. We desire to reconcile with relationships although it can be very difficult. Even Paul had a break in his relationship with Barnabas but Colossians 4:10 indicates the relationship was mended.

While we physically age, let's hold onto the hand of God who held us from birth. Each passing moment should grow sweeter and stronger. Yes, there may be trials and difficult times. But something about walking with God daily keeps us anchored to hope. We understand this life is temporal. We'll see the Lord one day and how we lived right up to that last moment matters.

Do you want to be found acting foolish and childish or an aged spiritual giant like Moses, Abraham, or David?

Friends walk with Him. The more we do we become like Him and less than our foolish selves.

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