As children, when we didn't like something or we were told no we'd often ran in the opposite direction. Still as adults we find ourselves running at times from God, from difficult times and broken relationships.
We may not physically run but emotionally and spiritually we pursuing another exit, another path.
I'm learning in a difficult season that options to leave (aka "run") are nowhere to be found. The cost of living is too much for another apartment, but if we stay at the end of the year our lease will be $2,000.00. Something that makes my wife and I very anxious. Looking for work here is another issue - my current employment offers a good salary and benefits - but it has grown toxic with a heavy workload and poor management decisions. And when I sit in the morning to talk to God, my throat is parched and my eyes very dry. I can't even speak some days. Recently, my health has been poor so any energy to just get up and leave seems insurmountable.
Oddly, I'm reminder of David who ran toward the giant. He was not intimidated or cowered by the foul words of this towering enemy. Height made no difference because David recalled what God did in the lion and bear country. I have done this to both lions and bears, and I'll do it to this pagan Philistine, too, for he has defied the armies of the living God! (I Samuel 17:36).
Perhaps when we are boxed in and the walls are closing in on us - God is using this moment to increase our faith - maximizing in a constricted place. Why? So, our mountains (and the troubles of others) can be moved because we've learned to tear down walls or scale them (Psalms 18:29).
Yes, we would like a clear Christian path without barriers, opposition, illness and oppression so we can run the race unhindered. But we understand that's not the Christian walk. The same God who leads us to quiet waters will take us through the shadow of the valley of death.
Beloved, this message is for me as well, run to the Commander-in-Chief and watch what God can do. Just as the singers started to sing of the mercy of God, He set up an ambush for the enemy (2 Chronicles 20:21-22).
Remember, the battle and victory belongs to God for those are willing to run toward Him even in face of fearful moments.
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