Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Brass Door

So often as believers we pray that God would make an open door for us.

A door leading to a better job, a better place or an opportunity to do something we've long to do. And we pray for the strength to obey and walk through any door He opens for us. Even doors that lead us to difficult seasons and hardships simply because we follow the Good Shepherd.

But what about the door of our hearts that He's longing to open?

Could it be that He's asking us to open the most difficult door? A door that leads to a very intimate and protected place in our hearts. Then my darling's hand reached to open the latch, and my heart stood still. (Song of Solomon 5:4, Contemporary English Version).

Likewise, Jesus said, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. (Revelation 3:20 NIV).

We can be bold like Peter to say we'd go anywhere and do anything for Christ. But there's something in our heart that bolts the door to His entrance. At times we can feel His strong but gentle hand on the latch. He desires to turn it but waits for our agreement. Only we retreat behind our self-imposed walls and remain imprisoned.

Perhaps, we are afraid of Him touching something that has caused a lot of pain. Or the Lord repeats the truth we've heard before but dismissed it because it's too hard to hear.

Salvation is about surrender - daily dying- to fully live for Him.

And where there's a place in our hearts that refuses to surrender (and may actually be deadened) we only have ourselves to blame when other doors remain locked. The Lord will never kick down our door or rip it off the hinges unless we are in danger.

Beloved, there is a freedom He offers us. If only we can say in faith, "Yes, walk through the walls of this heart to the place where it hurts so bad," then soon you'll find other doors opening. We'll walk through with confidence not confusion or dismay because our hearts are completely at rest in His presence (Leviticus 26:13).

I will go before thee, and make the rough places smooth; I will break in pieces the doors of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron (Isaiah 45:2, ASV).

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