Saturday, December 16, 2017

Medicine For Despairing Moments

This week proved to be a very difficult time.

At work, we were trained for a new product to take effect on January 1st. We had no choice as this product was enacted by the state and required if we manage state disability claims. I spent hours in a classroom with a sense of dread of how I could manage my current crushing work load.

For the past few weeks our car along with other residents were required to park near a construction zone while they worked on the driveway leading to the garage. I felt displaced. Then a new resident moved next door only to hear a dog barking in the apartment. Not only did I feel despair from work and displaced but anger that a dog was allowed in an apartment against the terms of the lease.

The Holy Spirit helped me each night to spend time with Him in addition to my morning devotions. He broke through my feverish and anxious thoughts with peace. He settled the rising anger toward my neighbor. And He reminded me that I have a place in His heart.

Just before writing this blog, He lead me to this precious promise.

Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 NLT).

Beloved, hold to this promise in moments of despair and anxiety. Recall His past and current acts of faithfulness. He is with us. He will hold our hand just like Peter who was sinking into the stormy seas. And He gives us strength to cry out to Him. He listens.

A Scripture like this is the best medicine for despairing times because these moments don't last. What remains is a firmer faith anchored to Christ our hope of glory that He will lead us in and through these trying experiences. Faith tried in these fires is greater than gold (I Peter 1:7).

And that is the side effect of the medicine - you see and believe differently - and become immuned to the effects of despair.

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