Saturday, July 8, 2017

Count It All Joy

James 1:2 says, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;" (KJV). During my high school years I found this scripture comforting and puzzling. Temptation lures were pleasurable and the consequences were anything but joyful (verse 15).

I now understand the original word means "trials" which can include being tested, probation (the process or period of testing or observing the character) and calamity.

The early church faced persecution from all sides: their communities, government and even within the walls of the church. America has not known this intense persecution or what is currently happening in some parts of the world today.

Perhaps, the greatest temptation the early church faced was to forsake Christ even for a little relief from hate, anger and constant pressure brought on by fear. Their very lives were at stake for making a choice to live for Him.

They understood abandoning Christ was not option because they were saved (eternally) but not from the sufferings of life.

And perhaps this is a trial we face in our country. Temptation for us in America has once been called "soft" persecution. We spend mindless hours in front of the television or cell phone scrolling through endless pages. We fill our day doing what and how we want because we have so many options and distractions. Little time is spent in prayer and reading His word. Many come to church to perform a function, exhausted and worn out from running everywhere but to the throne.

And our soul is afflicted by an emptiness that leaves very little joy to experience the nearness of His presence. We have indeed fallen into temptation of the worse sort - forsaking Christ - and not even aware His presence has long left our gatherings.

We need including myself a holy desire to resist what is presented before us even if it comes in the guise of religious light. Satan's deceptive ability is to present something shiny and bright, attractive and sensual but its just a thin veneer. What lies beneath is something ugly and destructive. The devil's desire is to destroy the fellowship we have in Christ. A separated life from Christ is a hellish experience. There is no peace or joy but dryness and a terrible feeling of being disconnected.

Let's encounter every trial and temptation understanding God give us greater grace. Value the time in His presence so when tempted you will find the way out of a Satanic snare (I Corinthians 10:13).

When we see temptation differently we will learn that God truly satisfies the hungry soul and nothing in this world can fill our lives. Our faith in Him to supply our every need will be much stronger to weather any trial and temptation.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:14 KJV).

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