Saturday, May 20, 2017

When You Turn Back

Jesus told Peter on the night He would be betrayed, "But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." (Luke 22:32). The King James Version uses the word "converted". The word converted means to change the nature or function into something utilitarian or useful. For Peter, he would be an agent of strength to the church. We see this in the book of Acts when he gave a powerful and moving sermon. Three thousand souls were saved that night!

I believe God's salvation is sure. And I don't believe you are in and out of salvation. We struggle daily and don't always get it right. However, we are warned in Scripture not to neglect such a great salvation (Hebrews 2:3). We are encouraged to work out our salvation daily (Philippians 2:12).

Friends, salvation is not static or just a one time altar call in front of the church. As we mature in the faith, our salvation deepens and so does our confidence in the One who can only save us - not just once but every moment of the day.

There is a moment in our walk that we need to understand what it means to be truly converted. Some call it a crisis of grace. They heard the gospel and professed Christ. Then they walked away from Him but through the power of the Holy Spirit came to an understanding of what it means to be saved. This is a very limited view of God's work of salvation. Too many believers have a crisis faith. They cycle in and out of sin. Confess and promise to do better but only find themselves more legalistically bound. Works without faith is dead and so is the religion of self appraisal and performance.

For Peter it was not that he went off to the world like the prodigal son. He outrightly disowned Christ. Perhaps out of fear and self preservation he vehemently turned his back on the one he loved so dearly. Going back to the words of Christ, Satan was behind this moment of shifting much as wheat is shaken free from the chaff. God will use any number of means to get our attention. What He wants is our hearts which is often the last thing to be converted. Easy to think and speak about Christ but a heart can be stubborn and refuse to yield its ground.

When we turn back to Christ, we are transformed men and women. Samuel told a young man that he would be a changed man once the Spirit comes upon him (1 Samuel 10:6). That young man was Saul but tragically he forsook God's mercy and became a mad king chasing David through the wilderness. The night before Saul died he had consulted a witch because God was no longer speaking to him.

But there is another Saul that did turn to God and his life and name was changed to Paul (Acts 9). Be encouraged church that God can still bring us back to Him no matter how much we failed or if we have fainted in our minds to believe He can do something good out of our lives.

Only you need is turn your face toward Him not your back...and listen.

They turned their backs to me and not their faces; though I taught them again and again, they would not listen or respond to discipline.
(Jeremiah 32:33).

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