Saturday, October 22, 2016

Halting At The Crossroads

There are places in our heart where our commitment to Christ is sorely tested. Often it comes to no surprise because we are aware of the resistance to submit fully to His will.

So many profess His power and love but when it comes to a particular area we come to a complete stand still. A decision has to be made. All to Him I surrender? Or perhaps just dodge the issue in hopes it will go away? But it never does. The Holy Spirit is faithful to convict and teach us. He shows us a better way of living. And of thinking rightly with a clear and sober mind about sin and righteousness. Still the choice is ours to make.

How much we love Him and how devoted to His cause there is no limits. But when we fail to surrender we greatly limit God's wonderful inner working in our life and blessings that follow.

After the miraculous deliverance from Egypt, Israel crossed the Red Sea and spent nearly forty years in the wilderness. God proved to His people He is faithful to sustain and guide them. He made it clear to them that He alone belongs the power and glory forever. He yearned for His people to possess singleness of mind and heart. Even after crossing the Jordan and taking over the Promise Land we find Joshua in his later years saying, "throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the LORD, the God of Israel." (Joshua 24:23 NIV)

Imagine victory after victory and still God's people secretly clung to idols. How many believers are emotionally and spiritually unfaithful to God because in times of stress or distress they retreat to the familiar and comfortable. I'm learning in the most trying times to press into God for help. Nothing blesses Him more than a simple humble prayer that acknowledges He alone can save and deliver.

May we say, "Asshur shall not save us; we will not ride upon horses: neither will we say any more to the work of our hands, Ye are our gods: for in thee the fatherless findeth mercy." (Hosea 14:3 KJV).

Beloved it's not easy to let go of old habits of responding to difficult circumstances but when we do there is a peace that floods our soul. At least we can sleep well at night knowing we did not turn back to sinful practices but put our hands into His own - trusting Him alone. And as we sleep I can only imagine our loving Father smiling back at us - "I'll help you. I'm for you not against you."

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