Saturday, July 30, 2016

Confronting The Stranglehold Of Self-Pity

Self-pity is the excessive posturing that you have suffered more than anyone else and so you are entitled to feel sorry for yourself. Though self-pity is a narrow, downward view of self, it will seek the pity of others to side with your argument that you were unfairly treated. You could say self-pity is much like an overgrown weed that will strangle and constrict a life.

Empathy not pity should move our heart to take action just as God does at the plight of those suffering.

We have the example of the invalid (the original word means without strength) at the pool of Bethesda for some thirty-eight years (John 5:5). The Lord asked the man a simple question. Do you want to be well? (5:6). It was a simple yes or no question but the man gave him a reason to why he was still in his weakened condition.

Pity never moves us to faith but to fatalism. And self-pity will shift the blame and reasonability onto someone else. The man blamed others for blocking him in receiving his rightful healing (5:7).

But he missed the entire point - it was not his helplessness that was at issue but disbelief in the power of God to act on his behalf. Faith will always see Christ as the Son of God not only the Son of Man. Pity can blind the eyes to only focus on the natural not the supernatural. What others did not do to help this weakened man God was more than willing to heal. Remember His power is perfected in our weakness.

That is why Jesus commanded him to get up. To break the stranglehold of self-pity means we have to stand on the promises of God regardless to what we think or feel.

Recently I was invited on a business trip for a company project. It meant visiting a city that represented some very dark times in my life. This was a place marked by much foolishness and self-pity. Now, when I go back the Lord has commanded me don't view it as I did in times past. Rather confronting the stranglehold requires seeing through the eyes of God's rich mercy. He was merciful to me back then in the depths of my foolishness and sin. He is here now to walk those same streets with a glad heart.

Beloved, if your heart is heavy from some injustice or pain done to you - release it into His hands. Take a moment to pour out your heart to Him. Let the tears flow. Then rise to your feet and stretch out your hands. Begin to thank Him for His care and kindness. Thank Him that He will deal justly with the issue. Worship will always swallow up self-pity and move your feet to dance in freedom!

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