We are commanded to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5). The word captive in the original means to subdue or lead captive as one does a prisoner.
Even our best thoughts have to be held in check. How many times did we have a good idea but it turned out to be terrible mistake. Remember what Isaiah 55:8 says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD." (NIV). God's thoughts are far better and higher than our own.
But it's that one single thought that if not dominated by His power can quickly turn on us. The Devil questioned Adam and Eve when tempted to eat from the tree God had forbidden them. Did God say? So the wheels in their heads started to turn on a single seed of doubt regarding what God said was true if they were to disobey. What looked pleasing to the eye and enlightening for the mind to know good and evil seemed better than walking away from a talking snake.
How many times does that single thought play out when we are tempted. Somehow we think if we don't follow through with our thought (and we know it's not good) we just might be missing out on something. We have to know what this or that is like - besides you live only once, right? Tell that to someone who takes drugs for the first time and dies from an overdose. Or the young person who drinks and gets behind the wheel only to kill another driver.
Our sins may not be so dramatic or over the top. We have a lot thoughts but never act on them. Still we allow them free reign to run wild in our heads. Those who study the mind are not clear about the neurological and chemical interactions that go into the formation of thoughts. There is one factor that is not mentioned and that is thoughts can be spiritually influenced and shaped.
And that is why we need the Holy Spirit to help us untangle the knots of thoughts and impressions that will drive us into a path we should not pursue. The Lord is the Spirit of truth that leads us into all truth according to John 16:13. We have to be honest about what we think and ask for His help to interrupt the thought before we act on it.
A simple prayer of help is asking for Him to light up His word in our hearts - for His light will always dispel darkness. Spend time with Him beloved for when we keep His word our hearts and minds are clear and transparent.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalms 119:11 (KJV)
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