Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Good, Good Father

A good father provides and protects his family. The role of the protector and provider is not measured by financial resources or brute strength. When a father can defend his child who has failed or make a sacrificial provision when the child can not contribute is the mark of a good, good father.

I think of my own father who provided for us. He earned enough to bring food to the table and pay the mortgage. And on a rare occasion he would show the side of a defender which made me stand in awe of him. There was unspoken lines you never crossed like disrespecting Mom and that's when his stronger side was expressed.

Only today did I remind myself that God is a good, good Father. My wife and I were given an estimate to repair our car after an accident. We sank in our chairs in disbelief. Yesterday on a rainy afternoon I looked down for something and glanced up to see I was inches from the driver's bumper in front of us.

In my low state, I took comfort in a God who does not berate and demean as some fathers do when angry or disappointed. His love for me has not changed in a life that has been littered with failure and broken promises. So I grasp the thread of faith that says even in this mess God can protect and defend me. Why? Simply because I'm his son and He loves me. So I took this opportunity as a teaching moment. If He's chastening me then it's for my good and it makes me love Him even more.

Luke 15:20 speaking of the prodigal says, "So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him (italics mine); he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."

Beloved, no matter our state or condition. No matter our personal history tainted by failures. Regardless to our poor choices and daily stumbles - God is a good, good Father. His eyes are not on our sins and failures. His eyes are on His sons and daughter who sees afar and runs to meet them.

If you had a father who failed to protect and defend you - God will take up your cause and defend you. Hold to this promise.

Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close (Psalms 27:10, NIV).

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