Saturday, December 20, 2014

After All This You Still Love Me?

The Scriptures tell of Israel's history marked by glorious victories and at other times deeply marred by sin and rebellion but God still says, "Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee." (Jeremiah 31:3).

What is true of His people then is true for us today.

The God of indescribable light will draw us to Himself right where we are even in the most darkest of places. The place does not matter to God as much as a heart that is crying out for Him. He will go to great lengths to visit the hungry heart to make Himself known. This is same God who walks right through walls.

Remember He sat and ate with tax collectors and other so called sinners of His day. He was not corrupted by them rather they were changed in His presence. No matter if the place is a crowded smoke filled bar or a prison cell or lonely hospital room Jesus will visit the broken man or woman.

Jesus heard such a cry from across the Sea of Galilee of a man tormented by demons (Luke 8:26). Yes, this man cried out in pain from his bondage but there was a deeper cry for deliverance that only God could discern. So Jesus stopped His ministry and got in a boat to sail to the other side. He battled through a raging storm for a man who was confined to tombs who could never get to Him.

After he was set free Jesus told him to go and tell all that God did for him (Luke 8:39). Perhaps this man's testimony left a question for some who asked, "After all this does God still love me?" Perhaps he showed them the scars where he tore his flesh with rocks when the voices in his head screamed and howled. The scars were a reminder God came to him in the most darkest hours of his life to show His love right where he lived.

And on that day the Son of Man will extend His nailed scarred hands to welcome us home. A God who loved us with an everlasting love after all our sin, failure and rebellion. Yes, He loves us after all the things that has occurred in our lives.

Will we in turn love Him after all the deliverance and victories He has performed and not resist Him but rather be drawn by His cords of kindness (Hosea 11:4)?

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