There is a time when you feel completely drained of energy. You are so tired your bones ache. All you can do is sit down and stare into space without a thought to your surroundings.
Prayer is an effort because the words are trapped in your throat. Maybe it's not so much being overwhelmed but just underwhelmed. You find no reward in your work. You find it both grueling and grinding. Even the incentive to do your best is evaporated by the mundane and trivial things. Daily activities extract your time and energy leaving no room for creativity and spontaneity. The investments you make in relationships seem to produce no return of joy and pleasure.
You can say in essence the blood flow of life is stymied. As a result the landscape of your life fades to a mottled gray with no sharp or distinguishing features that speak of a colorful and vibrant life. When people are about to faint they experience a "grayout".
So I'm not speaking about depression but weariness in well doing. Galatians 6:9 says, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (KJV). There is a fainting that can occur in the mind of the believer that can lead to the temptation of resigning to fate rather that faith in God.
You can faint when you are hungry. And this is true for those who are spiritually empty because they lack true nourishment. One crumb of bread falling from the Master's table is enough to bring us to life again. The Syrophoenician woman understood this well when crying out to Jesus for her daughter who was demon possessed (Matthew 15:21-28). All that was left in her was a cry. A cry that turned everything around.
When you are empty all it takes is a cry for God to feed You. Feed me oh, Bread of Life! Otherwise, we will feed on things the world offers which will makes us sick and more famished. Beloved, what we eat matters in having a spiritually healthy and full life.
Daily read His word. Minster to Him by rehearsing the promises He made to you in prayer. He will feed you and in turn you will feed others with the strength He provides. Remember this promise, "Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed." (Psalms 37:3).
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