Today I recalled a favorite hymn entitled Trust and Obey by John H. Sammis. The chorus is thought provoking. Trust and obey, For there's no other way To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey.
During my childhood it was easy to trust my parents. It took no effort to trust they will provide shelter, food and clothing. Of course, obedience proved difficult as I was willful and woefully stubborn. My parents taught me to trust and respect those in authority like police, teachers and pastors who were looking out for my safety and protection be it spiritually or physically. But as the years rolled on, I became increasingly aware not everyone was to be trusted or believed. People said and did hurtful things. Some abused their authority to subjugate using threats and various forms of punishments.
Sadly, some of these experiences questioned trusting God though He never gave cause not to be trusted. He will always remains faithful and true.
If anything is lost in trusting Christ is the blessing of happiness. Psalms 146:5 says, Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God" (KJV). This happiness is not the world driven happenstance when circumstances goes their way or when they have a problem free day. I'd venture to say to some measure this substance of godly happiness is not even found in church gatherings with its emotionally charged worship or encouraging messages.
No, beloved, when we truly trust the Lord there is a peace and rest that floods our heart. Our source of happiness or joy is not dependent on our favorite worship songs or the pastor's encouraging sermon. It does not draw from a community of believers who may be upbeat and optimistic.
In other words, the Holy Spirit does a deep work in our hearts to help us mature in trust regarding His sovereign control in every area of our lives. In response, we experience a joy (a blessed happiness) that we are loved and from this place we are able to obey willingly.
In this world people want to see authentic happiness and they find it in the people of God who have learned that no matter the storms, the failures and violations of others, the difficulties and pain can still smile through the rain. They have learned to trust and obey Him which means bringing happiness to His heart.
And that is what matters the most.
Pleasing the heart of God who is happy to bless those who trust and obey Him.
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