Saturday, March 29, 2014

God Of All Comfort

Our culture has created a religion of false comfort. The consequences are evident with obesity, drug and alcohol addiction and long mindless hours in front of the television to escape reality. Meaningful relationships are exchanged for the latest toy or gadget on the market. Hours are spent on social media websites rather than praying and seeking the heart of God. No wonder the emptiness and dryness in spiritual matters! This present generation is devoid of any real sense of comfort when facing national, economic or a world crisis. The idols of internet, TV, social media, movies or even a host of events and activities that fill the day can not produce a shred of lasting comfort or peace.

Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 1:3, "Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort" (KJV). God's comfort is found in the truth of His sufficiency. His grace is enough to carry us through very difficult and painful times. His power is sufficient to help us stand in the hour of temptation. When faced with opposition at work, God's peace over rides any fear of ridicule and persecution. God's comfort is not dependent on feeling good or circumstances going our way.

You see, beloved, God's comfort is not necessarily a means to void pain and suffering. Rather He uses painful times to further His comfort in our lives and those around us. The comfort of the world is to numb the mind, ease the body and make every effort to dodge painful experiences. However, God's comfort works two-fold: we are comforted in our sufferings so that with the same or greater measure we are able to console others in need (read verse 4). And this is the remarkable difference with the comfort of God and of the world. The world will always be looking to meet it's self interest and preserve their well being at any cost.

As mentioned earlier, the truth of God's sufficiency is the source of God's comfort. Paul writes in 3:5 "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God" (KJV). When we understand that it is not in our nature to comfort ourselves or others for that matter but only through God's grace and power then we are the most freest of people from the ills of self-comfort.

For those who have suffered terrible events or from the hands of others, surrender your pain to Christ. Place it in the nail scarred hands of the Savior. To the measure of your suffering, God will bring great comfort to soothe your broken heart and bring peace to your mind. Accept His comfort without demanding change in those who have wounded you. Let them go by His power and He will deal with them accordingly.

As you are comforted, extend the same comfort to others in need for then you will be Christ to someone who has grown weary of the world's empty promises of comfort.

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