Thursday, October 31, 2013

God The Invisible Is Seen

One of the most subtle lies the Enemy wants to plant in our minds is God is not real because He's absent.

It's that nagging doubt that bubbles up when we go through a difficult time. Is God real? Is He really the God who possess all power, perform miracles, a provider etc? Will He come through for me?

It's the age old question the Serpent used to beguile Eve. Did God really say? He was not just questioning God's command and authority but undermining Adam and Eve's trust in the Almighty who seemed absent from the garden. The same God who took evening strolls with Adam and Eve. But now He was no where to be found. In such absence, the Devil foolishly was taking taking charge. He was rewriting God's command as he does even today. Asserting his presence as being all wise. But if Adam and Eve only called out to God, He would answer because He was standing right beside them.

Here's how the lie of the Devil worms its way into our minds. Just because the Devil may be in your face with temptations and troubles which seem more real and felt never changes the truth that God is ever present and is aware of our struggle and pain. Once the lie works in our minds then follows the illogical conclusion because He is not real, He can't help us. Therefore we are left on our own.

The antidote to such a poisonous lie is hope. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." (NIV). It was this same hope that tells us regarding Moses, "By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible." (verse 27, KJV).

Like Moses we can see Him who is invisible though Satan should point to a different reality. Since we are not blinded by the god of this age, we know God is real. One day it says every eye shall behold Him - the same God who was with us through every trial, every dark hour and sorrowful time - a God who sees is a God who is real.

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