Monday, August 12, 2013

Free From Fleshly Obligations

Romans 8:13-14 says, "Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live" (NLT).

The power of temptation is often found in the excuses we make in carrying through with it. I'm weak. My family has a history of bad tempers or drinking or whatever inherit trait justifies fulfilling fleshly desires. Or it's genetic, in my make up, how am I to resist temptation?

The Enemy whispers in our minds that we haven't changed. Why pretend to be something you are not? You are only human after all and have needs! How's a second glance going to hurt? Or what are is it in speaking your mind to someone that disrespected you?

Verse 13 holds the key to breaking free from fleshly obligations in following through temptations or listening to the "reasons" the Enemy gives: through the power of the Spirit.

Most often, when we are tempted we will work in our strength to resist it. Somehow by putting up a good fight we are trying to prove to ourselves and please God that we can maintain a righteous standard. However, efforts by human strength will always fail. Sure, there may be some victory, but only God's Spirit can work His life in our hearts. He alone empowers us to mortify the misdeeds of the body. In other words, you may superficially deal with temptation close to the skin, but God wants to lay the ax to the root of the problem - He wants to get down deep into the heart where the problem really exists.

Sadly, so many Christians soon become frustrated and no longer resist temptation thinking they have some obligation to pacify the flesh. It's too hard, too uncomfortable. Why resist my own personality and make-up!

Beloved, we are debtors only to the Lord who paid our debt of sin on the cross, to live a life dead to the world and live a life bound to the Spirit. We will never be able to pay such a debt Christ paid, but we can chose to say yes to living by His Spirit who gives us the power to do what He requires. A life in the Spirit means a life free from fleshly obligations. You don't have to listen to the voice of the flesh!

You can be changed, transformed and made into a entirely new person, but only through the power of God's Spirit to will and do His good pleasure.

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