Prayer in its simplest form is to talk to a friend.
In the garden, God’s friends were Adam and Eve, who in turn responded by talking about Him (not to Him as we so often do in prayer as if He can’t hear or won’t answer). Hand in hand they talked about His beauty, His marvelous creation and His heavenly glory. As they strolled through the garden in the cool of the day, they learned more of His character. And by doing so they learned about who they are in relationship to Him.
In the garden, there was an utter dependence on God. There was no want or need other than Him. So their conversations were free of any ill intent, desire for fleshly gain and manipulation (like making promises and vows to condition God to perform miracles) which sadly muddles our prayers.
We spend much time and effort trying to know God through our human understanding. When it's rather simple, just walk with Him daily and listen for His voice. Remember Abraham who was called the friend of God or Enoch who walked with God for many years before God took him home. The journey with God is worth it! Each step we love Him more and more. At the end, we are changed into His very likeness.
Just as it was in the garden, friendship with God is central to the purest and sweetest fellowship we can experience. Only through Jesus Christ we can attain such a fellowship with God, even in this generation over taken by gross darkness. And through the fellowship of the Son, we not only have a Savior but a Friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24b, John 15:14-15).
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