Monday, December 26, 2011

Unrestricted Revelation

In Luke 2:36-38 gives an account of a very old woman by the name of Anna who was a widow and did not depart from the temple of God.

She served Him with fasting and prayer day and night. As a widow she had very limited income and largely depended on the charity of others to provide her daily needs. She had restricted religious education and restricted access in the temple, most likely confined to the women's court.

Yet Anna was anything but restricted in her understanding of the Lord. God rewarded her for those long weary nights of fasting and prayer. Think of the many Jewish babies coming into the temple to be dedicated to the Lord, as prescribed by the law, yet instantly she knew this was the Christ child.

It says in verse 38: "And coming in that instant (or in the original in that hour") she gave thanks to the Lord". Simeon echoes the same wording in verse 26, he would not see death until he had seen the Lord's Christ.

There comes a moment when the desires instilled in our hearts by the Holy Ghost is suddenly realized in a single hour.

Anna's sacrifice of prayers, fasting (perhaps even out of need) and tears made for an unrestricted revelation. Both Anna and Simeon saw what hundreds passing through the temple could not see, the fulfillment of a promise made thousands of years ago starting with Adam and Eve, to the patriarchs and prophets, until that very hour.

The long awaited Redeemer arrived in an unexpected form, God Incarnate, veiled in human flesh. Suddenly their longings were satisfied, their understanding was deeply enriched and hope renewed.

Today we can pray as Paul did in Ephesians 1:17-19 to have the eyes of your understanding enlightened...that you may know what is the hope of His calling.

Anna heard the whispers of God in prayer, her understanding was not cluttered or dimmed by fleshly means, and her eyes opened to see the Lord.

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