Saturday, December 5, 2009

Favor and the Dread of the Lord

I believe the Lord desires to restore the fear of His name, of His power, and His awesomeness in the body of Christ. How much more of His favor to heal, save, and deliver be manifested in our midst when the fear of the Lord is restored!

The word 'dread' came to my mind in prayer this morning. Dread is not a word we use often. It means to fear greatly, to regard with awe. I reflected on Esther who approached King Ahasuerus which was against the law unless called into his presence. She prepared by fasting and called a prayer meeting for others to intercede. After three days, she put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court. She stood in quiet confidence God had given her, "If I perish, I perish."

I wondered how many times I rushed, hurried and distracted, into the inner courts of the King. I had given no time to prepare my heart and mind by remembering how mighty, holy and awesome is God's presence, that apart from His blood, no one can stand or live.

The Lord reminded me of Isaiah 53:10-12. Could my prayer for evidence in healing (a blessing and favor) was too narrowly focused, perhaps selfish, though I desire His will to be a living demonstration of His power in this body?

The Lord spoke to me that any healing or blessing he does in my life should be a reminder of the cross. It was the Father's pleasure to crush, bruise, and chastise His Son so that "He shall see[the fruit] of the travail of His soul and be satisfied... (Amplified).

It was not for nothing He died so we can have access to this mighty King and make our requests known (I John 3:21-22).

We should be in awe, dread as it were, of the Father's desire to see the Son "prolongs His days and the will and pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hands" whenever He heals, saves and blesses us.

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