Sunday, November 3, 2013

When Silence Breaks The Walls

Sometimes raising our voices in protest might make a difference when there is an injustice. Complaining about poor working conditions might bring to management's attention to address a particular need for employees. Or a mounting a strong legal defense by a team of lawyers may protect us from liability to prevent financial loss.

Whatever means it takes, the spoken voice can be very persuasive. However, it's limited by words which may not necessarily capture all that is in the heart. And then there is the tongue which is very deadly as James describes setting the world on fire. Say too much or too little and it can create a lot of trouble.

There is another language which God uses effectively to cease human voices that reason and argue.

He often prevails over our torrent of words through silence. It says, "Joshua had commanded the army, “Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout. Then shout!” (Joshua 6:10, NIV). It was not the time to shout and scream as if to invoke fear in those who were walled up in Jericho. God a very different approach to winning the victory.

It's possible that in this silence the Lord wanted to speak to each man individually as he marched around the wall. This was the second generation entering in the Promised Land. The land their parents never saw because of unbelief. As they marched in complete silence, God's voice spoke to their hearts words of encouragement in preparing them to take the land, to be bold and courageous. They had dreams, fears and hopes of a future in this new land that only God knew so in the stillness He spoke words affirming His promises.

Beloved, God is always speaking but we can't always hear Him because we are talking too much. We talk about our problems, failures or sins but leave little room for Him to respond. We tell Him when, where and how to do things which we think will make us happy and successful, but we don't stop long enough to ask for His mind on the matter.

I believe when it was time to shout it came from a deep, abiding assurance that God gave each of the men that all things are possible. So the walls broke apart and fell flat when they shouted the victory. A battle in their own hearts was won in the silence when God spoke to them. And so too with us beloved that God will speak in the silence and much is accomplished in being still in His presence. Then when it's time to shout, the walls will break apart and our foe defeated.

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