Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Fear Of Being Misunderstood

To be free of the fear of being misunderstood is to be free from a bondage of needing someone's approval before you move forward in the call of God. Even after the commissioning, the temptation to have the call of God shaped (or misshaped) by people's approval is very real. But once God has set you free from wanting people's stamp of approval; He will strengthen you in times of conflict. He will make you bold as lion.

Beloved, the Scriptures hold many examples of those who have been misunderstood. Think of Noah building an ark to prepare for a global flood. Abraham obeyed the Lord who told him to go and sacrifice his son on Mt. Moriah. The Lord was testing his character and made provision at the right time.

Of course, Jesus was misunderstood by religious rulers, his disciples and even his own family. We read in Mark 3:20-21, "Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat. When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, "He is out of his mind."(NIV).

How many believers have slumped in their easy chairs rather than make a stand for Christ? A stand which brings them into the Enemy's direct line of fire. Remember the Hebrew children in fiery oven because they would not worship a pagan idol or Daniel in the lion's den because he refused to stop praying three times a day.

So what keeps us bound, gagged and useless? The reason is the fear of being misunderstood, of losing any measure of approval and losing friends and family who might even raise a question on our insanity. Did you really hear God say that? You are going to what country to do mission work?

At risk of sounding contradictory, please don't mistake foolishness from the wisdom of God. Many believers are running about saying God said this or that when He has said nothing all. Sadly, the fruit of the Spirit is apparently lacking in these lives and their behavior discredits their credibility to even be remotely believed (but there are times God has still used such individuals!).

Beloved, many saints who have heard God had an understanding of His heart that only comes from spending time with Him. It says in Psalms 103:7, "He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel." (KJV). Moses spent hours on the mountain communing with God. Take a few minutes with Him today and you will hear His truth whispered in your heart.

You will always have the believer who look for the evidence of God's power but not fully understand His ways. So they will misunderstand what God is saying because they demand some tangible sign because they stumble over the weak and frail vessel God has chosen (that would be us).

Beloved, God gives us this promise that will make us bold in this fearful age. It says, "For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things." (I John 3:20, KJV). Don't be afraid of moving into God's call! He understands completely and that is what the matters the most.

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