Friday, November 22, 2013

Healing For Broken Bodies

I prayed for my friend while his wife sat quietly weeping. He was dying of cancer. Some days later he slipped into the arms of Jesus. No matter if it's cancer or a mild cold God heals bodies broken by disease. He can set right any malady that plagues the body.

Yes, some may not experience physical healing as in the case of my friend but he was healed in other areas of his heart. It could be said he brought healing to his home. To the very end he continued to pray and was full of hope rather than give way to despair and bitterness. He welcomed anyone to pray no matter how bad he felt. His wife and sons were left with a rich legacy of man who trusted in his God no matter the outcome.

I believe God heals. How and when He heals is left for His determination. Our part is to trust Him. Paul writes, "For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever." (2 Corinthians 4:17, NLT). Sickness may destroy the body but it can not take our faith that is very precious in the eyes of God.

For believers who put their trust in Him, they don't go out in a whimper but boldly declaring God's goodness. Gwen Wilkerson, almost a year after her husband, the late Pastor David Wilkerson died in a car accident in which she survived, summed it up by saying, "God is good." Then she passed away that day. At eighty the Lord sustained her after some 26 operations from a life long battle with cancer.

Most of my life I suffered from asthma when the Lord healed me four years ago. It followed the darkest time in my life when the doctor confirmed a serious illness. I believed at the right time He healed my lungs to prevent despair from overwhelming me. To give me hope and to believe Him for greater things. Deeper still he was restoring a supernatural voice for prayer that was no longer twisted by worldly pollution (similar to Isaiah's lips touched by a burning coal).

God may use doctors who are allies in bringing healing. He may use natural means to help the body. Whatever the means or methods God so chooses (Jesus used mud on a blind man's eyes) it all points back to Him. A God who sent His Son who carried our infirmities and by His stripes we are healed.

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