Saturday, November 30, 2013

A New Day

Every day the Lord grant us is a new day. A new day to rise from our beds with a song on our lips not moaning and complaining about facing another weary day. Life can be difficult and hard but God gives us greater grace to help us through each second, each minute, each hour.

Some may ask how can it be a new day when my husband is still angry and my children are doing their own thing? How can this day be any different when I face the same tiring workload at my job with a complaining boss? Look at where I live and what I've done and tell me how can any day for that matter be called new?

After the death of Jesus, on the third day, it was a new day for the disciples and those who loved Him. Mary had gone to the tomb to do the usual burial work after He died a gruesome death. In her mind, she came to see a dead Jesus laid in a rich man's tomb. It was an ordinary day with an ordinary duty for an extraordinary Man whom she greatly loved. Beyond that day it would be like just any other day except to talk about Christ and His miracles. All past tense and reflecting with great fondness on His work He did for three years.

But everything changed when He called her name. "Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means "Teacher"). (John 20:16, NIV). Suddenly hope sprung to life. A new day had dawn with the risen Savior who called her name.

Beloved, we have the opportunity for a new day every day when we hear His voice whisper our name. It will warm us to life again in a cold and dying world. It will make our hearts spring up with joy and tremble. God is alive and moving throughout the earth performing wonderful deeds for His people.

Yes, it's a new day when our eyes are open to the unseen realm of God's work but is evident in our everyday ordinary lives.

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