Saturday, October 5, 2013

To Love Him More

We are familiar with David being a man after God's heart. The question is does God have our heart?

A young rich ruler asked Jesus, "All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?" (Matthew 19:20, NKJV). What could he lack having great wealth, status and social standing?

The Lord's response shocked the young man. "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." (verse 21).

Some might argue that is what happens when you surrender to Christ. You have to give up the good things in life. Sell the car. Put the house on the market. Take a low paying job. But the Lord's message was much deeper than material goods. He was touching the very heart of this man. His identity was wrapped around what he owned and in the end, it owned his heart.

All God wants is our hearts. When we yield to Him out of love than duty and obligation, surrender is sweet. You can't help but give Him everything because Jesus gave His very life for us. When you love someone, giving away something that is an extension of your heart, is easy.

Beloved, let it be our pray to love Him more and more. We have nothing to fear in surrendering our hearts to Him. He is gentle and kind. His grace will help us to open our hands so He can take the thing we can't seem to let it go. But we know it's a distraction and for some, it will destroy your life if not released.

It's time to say goodbye and follow wholly after Him. The young ruler could not hear the last words of Jesus. You will have treasure in heaven. It will be worth it all in the end to love Him more and love our lives less.

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