Friday, October 4, 2013

Crumbs of Guidance

All of us need guidance. We want direction and purpose when making major decisions. Is he or she the right person to marry? Should I buy this or that house? Do I take this job offer or refuse it while waiting for another opportunity?

When it comes to spiritual guidance why do we think we have it figured out?

Somehow our rational minds will respond before God is able to direct our footsteps. We seem to know what is best because we selectively read Scriptures that answer what our heart's desires. In the end, we find ourselves leaning on our own understanding and often fall flat on our faces when things go from bad to worse. Or we make a decision that seems right, feels right and everything goes as planned but somehow we can't shake the sense that God has long left the room.

We read in Joshua chapter 9 of the Gibeonites, the enemy in the Promise Land, who disguised themselves with old clothing and moldy bread. They sought to make a peace treaty with Israel which should have been a red flag (verse 7). It says in verse 14, "14 The Israelites sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the Lord. 15 Then Joshua made a treaty of peace with them to let them live, and the leaders of the assembly ratified it by oath." (NIV).

We will always get ourselves in trouble when we rely on our senses - taste, touch, scent, and sight - to form a reasonable conclusion on a matter. Guidance from the Lord requires us to consult Him in prayer. Wait for Him to respond. Ask Him for help to silence the voices of the flesh, the world and the Enemy so we can hear and discern clearly.

Perhaps we don't seek God's guidance because we are afraid to hear what He has been saying to us for a very long time. And that is what makes guidance so difficult. We like to take surveys, polls, gather facts and opinions before making a decision (and rightly so in some matters) but when God gives us guidance, it's not a suggestion - it's a command. In other words, we want His guidance with an option to obey.

Joshua and Israelites later learn the Gibeonites was their enemy that held five royal cities - all of which Israel was told to take possession but having made a treaty they were duty bound to honor it. God's guidance prevents what we can not see in the present moment and so protects us from the Enemy stealing the precious and sweet things in our lives.

Remember Jesus is the true Bread of Life - if you are hungry for guidance - He will not deceive us but tell us the truth. He never gives crumbs of guidance, but gives Himself to us. His guidance will always nourish us and lead us into greater freedom and strength.

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