When Christ walked the earth, He saw both the natural, the heavenly and hell all in one moment. He knew who was behind the religious rulers filling them with hatred and rage. He saw the devilish power at work with those who were ill.
It says in Luke 13:10-12, "On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues,and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, "Woman, you are set free from your infirmity." (NIV).
Beloved, can we discern the forces at work in the lives around us? Are we sensitive to the Holy Spirit speaking to our own hearts to be watchful and pray? Or do we see a man, for example, with a business suit and tie as being on the top of his game wheeling and dealing when he could actually be in a pit of depression or tormented by fear? Do our eyes see a smiling couple holding the hand of their child not realizing the pain and difficulty they went through to have a child?
No, we are not mind readers or second guessing people's hearts - only God knows the heart fully. And not every person is vexed by a devil, but sadly, many are troubled by demonic powers. Many are like the woman who was bent over for 18 years - bent over by fear, anxiety, doubts and burdens to heavy too carry.
Sisters and brothers we need to ask the Lord to open our eyes to His present reality. What does Jesus see that in the moment that really matters - past the talk, the busyness, beyond the skin and down to the very soul in need?
With a few words Jesus set the woman free. He didn't reason her illness away. He doesn't address the demonic power. He didn't accuse her of some sin. He simply called her forward and spoke freedom to a place in her heart hidden from view. A place long imprisoned by infirmity. Illness takes a toll on the mind, bending and twisting it into a mangled network of confused and fearful thoughts. You wake up in the morning with the disease first thing on your mind and wonder throughout the day is it my last day?
Then Jesus goes one step further. He places His hand on her and she immediately she straightened up. As I write this I hear the Lord speak to His people: Call out to Me in faith, believing I can touch the deepest places and bring healing - disease will go at the sound of My voice and My touch will set you free! And His reality will become our own.
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