Sunday, October 27, 2013

Flaming Arrows: Stinging Memories

The Bible says, "In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." (Ephesians 6:16).

What are these flaming arrows the Enemy hurls at us?

I believe these demonic flaming arrows can represent stinging memories. You may be going through your day without a care or worry when suddenly something flashes across your mind. It can be triggered by a sound, a scent or some activity. It's a memory you've long forgotten and never want to recall. It could be some hidden sin or some painful experience. The end result is the same, a rush of guilt, shame and a sense of being disconnected with God. Satan's flaming arrow digs deep in the mind and sets it on fire!

The Devil is a limited creature but we learn something in the interaction with God about Job. It seems the Devil knew a lot about this man, "Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land." (Job 1:10, NIV).

If anything Satan is an observer of human nature and sees how we respond to trials, temptations and other difficulties. In fact, it's not hard for us to see a pattern in the life of believer in how he or she responds under pressure.

The remedy to these flaming arrows is to lift up the shield of faith. When we remind ourselves of God says about us - not some dusty off the shelf memory that enemy sets ablaze - we place a protection around our minds. One Scripture that has been helpful to me is Proverbs 10:7, "The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot." (KJV). The fire will go out and peace in the mind will be restored.

Beloved, there are times when memories might be an opportunity for God to heal or correct something in your heart. When you allow Him to speak to those difficult places, a holy and healthy shield is put in place where the Enemy can not dig his flaming arrow but rather it's extinguished.

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