Sunday, June 9, 2013

When You Are Loved, You See

When you surrender to the mystery and power of God's love, you become fearless.

There arises a confidence in the depth of your soul from a love you can rest assured that will not abandon, abuse or exploit you. His love makes you unstoppable and unshakable, filled with a passionate desire to have Christ alone. Scriptures says, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." (I John 4:18, NIV).

The world knows nothing of the pure, unconditional love of God in their relationships. Love is circumstantial, feeling based and demands performance and perfection. There's always a nagging doubt and fear the person who so firmly declares their love will be the first to sign the divorce papers or slam the door on your heart, shattering and breaking every promise to love, cherish and hold. Not so with the love of God. Because His love drives out fear, there is a peace that sustains and keeps us in His love.

Only in Christ do we know a love, so pure and holy, that not one person or thing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:39 NIV). His love remains even when we fail and when we are ugly and mistreat Him.

All across the earth, hungry hearts yearn for a love that is not measured by how good you are or how good looking you can be or what you have to bring to the table, but simply to be loved - the imperfect person, with gifts and talents, needs and wants, hopes and dreams.

We read in the Bible of those who responded to His love and they became men and women of great courage. There was Mary at the tomb who was one of the few who first saw the risen Christ. Then there was John the beloved who rested His head on Jesus' chest during supper. Years later, he was banished to a remote island only to have all of heaven and the future open to him in what would become the book of Revelations.

A blind man made whole fearlessly testified in front of harden religious rulers only to find himself speaking to Jesus. In turn Jesus revealed Himself to a man who truly desired Him asks, "Who is he, sir?" the man asked. "Tell me so that I may believe in him." (John 9:36, NIV).

Yes, God's love transforms the sinner, makes eyes see and reveals Himself as the exalted Christ. Those who love the Lord are those who make a difference in this dark, perverse generation. May we be ablaze by His love!

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