Thursday, June 6, 2013

It Is Not In Me

Joseph's life is study of integrity. Another word for integrity is truthfulness. The word comes from the Latin word integer meaning whole or complete.

Joseph was a man who had visions and a God directed purpose, but lack maturity and understanding that only God could fulfill His purpose in this man's life. It was not in Joseph's own strength and abilities. God's favor is not exemption to character building!

At the time of telling his brother's his first vision, Joseph didn't have the complete story (it would be revealed many, many years later) and lacked truthfulness in the reason for sharing it (Genesis 37:6-11). Perhaps out of immaturity and lack of discretion he shared what God revealed. Or out of pride since it meant his father and brothers bowing their knees to him. His brothers hated him so much more not only for being his dad's favorite son, but now having grandiose visions from the Almighty!

As a result, his brothers sold him into slavery. Joseph finds himself in Egypt serving Potiphar's house, an officer of Pharaoh, where God grants favor to Joseph. He is given an influential position, power and privilege until Potiphar's wife takes interest in him. She accuses him of rape and he is hurled into prison. Here in prison, he meets two men who had visions. Notice what Joseph says, "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell them to me, please." (Genesis 40:8 NKJV).

This time it's not Joseph who is having a vision, but believes that since he had them in the past, he's up to the task of interpreting. God does use Joseph to foretell the future of these two men. And God in His patience still uses us despite our weakness and foolishness. But God is after something deeper in our hearts that He wants to remove so that we have wholeness or integrity when He serve Him.

The next time Joseph interprets it's two years later while he is still in prison. He is called to stand before Pharaoh, this time a different Joseph emerges. He says, "It is not in me; God will give Pharoah an answer of peace" (41:16). What happened to bring this change to Joseph's character? To bring him to a place of deeper integrity? Psalms 105:19 gives us the answer. Until the time that His word came to pass, the word of God tested him in those dark moments.

Now, Joseph was ready to fulfill the purposes of God with a heart tested, tried and made whole! Hold fast, beloved to the promises God has given you. Know for certain you will be tested. God wants to instill His character in our lives so we can serve Him in a crooked and perverse world with a heart of integrity.

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