Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Clean Hands

Recently I started to copy my work assignment from an Excel spreadsheet and paste it to a Word document. I print and lay it flat on my desk. Then I place my hands over it. I begin to pray for wisdom, to make the necessary connections to the important and fine details of claim management, asking the Lord to excel in my new position and petition peace and clarity of thought. Since I work on short term disability claims, I've started to pray for particular claimants in their time of illness and distress.

Today the assignment came out late in the day and I was exhausted from a busy morning. Still I took the time to lay down my assignment and place my hands over it to pray. That is when I took a second look at my hands. They appeared just as worn and tired as I felt. At that moment the Lord asked, "What do you see?"

For a passing moment there was a sense of sadness. Lord, I said quietly, my hands have extended and touched many things. Too often things that should not be touched but best left alone. I hurt some with my hands and others I refused to help. I held back good things with these hands while other times I simply let things drop.

I'm reminded of the Scripture, "Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god." (Psalms 24:4, NIV).

Perhaps in the nailed pierced hands of Christ we find the greatest comfort. His hands were nailed to a crude wooden cross, outstretch arms while suspended between heaven and earth. His heart unprotected. And who was beside him on the left and the right? Common criminals. A thief and a murder - both who used their hands to steal and violently kill (Mark 15:7, Luke 23:32). With a simple confession, one of the men, in his final moments would "ascend the mountain of the Lord," and enter Paradise with a clean heart and clean hands.

Beloved, wherever you are right now raise your hands to the Lord and ask for clean hands. Offer them up to Him as instruments of righteousness. Learn to withdraw your hands for things that pollute and defile. Ask the Lord to use your hands to bring help, healing and strength to others.

Together we are building God's kingdom. And it takes clean hearts and clean hands!

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