Patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
The Greek word for patience is makrothymía which means waiting with sufficient time before expressing anger (Bible Hub, Strong's Concordance). In other words, time and temperance must work together to keep the tide of our rising anger in check. We must ask God for a greater grace for patience.
It cost Moses dearly when he struck the rock in a fit of rage rather than speak to it. As a result, Moses was not permitted to enter the Promise Land (Numbers 20:12).
I seem to fail time after time the lesson to cultivate patience.
Recently, I've had to battle through construction noise while working from home. And a neighbor's barking dog on other side of the living room wall. Then there was the neighbor below blasting music through the floor boards. There was a lot of other "noise" in the office with the recent state regulation to manage leave (absence) for employees that we insure. Meetings, phone calls, instant messages - the noise of interruptions and distractions soon become too much to cope. I found myself annoyed, irritated and angry.
When life becomes too much to bear we have to return to His promises that will anchor us otherwise we'll fly off the handle, so to speak, and do something foolish.
So I started to remind myself who God is and the work of His Spirit in my life. After all, patience like the other fruit is of the Spirit of God not some human effort. He is in control. His Spirit is at work to make me more like Christ. Any effort on my part is often a pretense to appear calm and professional, but I'm a raging bull inside!
God desires to go to the root not just the rotten fruit of impatience. He even changes the soil of our heart so that He can cultivate fruit that is sustainable and viable through any circumstance.
One thing I've learned: I call out loud for His help when anger flushes through my system. I tell Him honestly how I feel and ask Him to break through my thoughts that are running in a feverish circle. Time and time again His peace intervenes. He reminds me of who He is and what I'm not - I'm not the judge and jury to take retribution but I'm forgiven and been shown mercy - something that must be extended if patience is going to guard me from some foolish action.
I must learn to speak to the problems in faith. Rather than "strike" the person with spiteful words for when I do, I offend Christ.
Stay close to Him even if you are burning up inside! He will cool our spirits with the water of His word.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:4, KJV).
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