Recently, I was interviewed for a church ministry. It's a volunteer position to assist for one of the Sunday's services.
After the usual formalities and questions, the interviewer closed in prayer. I don't recall most what he prayed except when he said, "He said yes to you Lord, when he could have said no."
His words echoed what I had prayed earlier that afternoon. I had the choice to attend the interview or to decline. This was not my first experience with this church. Some time ago, I applied for a different ministry (and served three years) but it proved very challenging. So, why would I go through that experience again?
Except the wooing and calling of God.
His voice can upset the balance of what is warm, familiar and cozy. A nice sheltered and protected life free from any risks is only a mere fantasy in the Christian walk!
Time and time again we refuse what He asks because of bad experiences or outcomes that leave us disappointed and disillusioned. We question if we really heard from God or God even heard what we didn't pray for - not that ministry this ministry. We might even question our sanity to why we would take another swing at something given the poor results.
But God makes all things beautiful in His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and makes it all brand new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Truthfully, I don't feel new but old, tired and burdened by the past. However, the truth is God sees and responds to us through the lens of all things beautiful and new.
Imagine seeing beauty in what is marred and to what is aged see it as new?
When we say yes when the option to say no is the strongest we might miss seeing the beauty and perfection of His timing. Understandably, we are too independent and self-serving by not asking God His mind and will in everyday life choices. So of course, we will make a mess of things for our human reasoning is greatly limited and flawed.
Proverbs 16:33 says, "We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall." (NLT). When we give Him all our choices and wait for His response the outcome is anything but ugly and deflating.
Sometimes it's just a matter of simply saying "Yes, Lord." And He will do all the rest on our behalf.
The harder it is to yes to Him (and no to the flesh) is greater the blessing of peace that will flow.
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