Isaiah 35:7 says, "And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes." (KJV). The Hebrew word for dragons is serpents. The devil is called a dragon, the ancient serpent (Revelations 20:2).
Beloved we are warned not give place to the Enemy (Ephesians 4:27). When we persist in disobeying God, the dragon will attempt to crawl, wiggle or slide into our lives to nest and devast any good thing in our lives.
If a believer is sincere with God - walking honestly before Him - not playing loosely with His word - then the Holy Spirit resides in his or her life to bring conviction and bear the fruit of repentance. So it's not a question of demon possession for the believer but rather demonic harassment. King Saul was troubled by an evil spirit sent by God. And Jesus warns us that if we do not forgive he will send torturers (Matthew 18:34-35).
Furthermore, the devil can not possess our will. We can still call out to God for help. When we submit to God then we can resist Satan (James 4:7). We have a choice through God's power to forgive (and to know His forgiveness) and the devil must flee.
Beloved, God promises to deliver us and make such a devilish habitation a place of where life once more flourishes and pure water overtakes the dry parch places. Such a habitation of dragons can be in our homes, at work or some area in our hearts that are sin bound. The Lord transforms these waste places and drives out the dragons.
Jesus tells us an evil spirit seeks out the waterless places (Luke 11:24). The purifying water of His word makes it impossible for the dragons to reside! Today the Lord says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19 NIV).
Recently, the Lord has been speaking to my heart regarding a stronghold of anger (a demonic nesting place). After many years of acting like "the responsible child" to fix mistakes and problems even when others were clearly in the wrong or trying to be the "peace maker" to keep peace and harmony in relationships has given way to resentment and bitterness. The only remedy for lasting freedom is allow God to search my heart (Psalms 139:23). Despite repeated failure, I must keep presenting myself to Him. His word lights up my darkness so that I can see things through His eyes. It's far better to press into Him than to press into sin!
Be encouraged beloved - every stronghold and strongman - in our lives must fall like Jericho's walls. God promises to deliver us if we are only willing to bend the knee and agree to His work to free us. It may be painful and difficult but it's much better than living with a dragon!
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