Saturday, February 6, 2016

Faithfulness There

The book of Hosea captures the broken heart of God for His people who rebelliously pursued false gods. They broke covenant with a God who never fails or lies. Still His heart yearned for their return so He can restore and heal them.

The greater sin was not so much the gross idolatry, violence in the streets or sexual immorality but forgetting God. They forgot His past deliverance when he freed them from Egypt. They were not mindful of His provision and care in the wilderness. Even now in the Promised Land, the victories He secured were largely ignored. As result of not acknowledging God they were captured by a spirit of prostitution (Hosea 5:4).

Today in this generation we are warned of a great falling away (2 Thessalonians 2:3) of unbelieving believers who simply fail to acknowledge God or believe He can do anything remotely possible to help them. Like Israel they are feverishly seeking other means of help and resources which lend to moral and spiritual bankruptcy.

Some may argue they are faithful to God. They read the Word, attend church and pray regularly. Their time is spent ministering both to the community of believers and at home with their family.

Until the Holy Spirit whispers, "Are you faithful to me there?" Hosea 6:7 says "...they have broken the covenant; they were unfaithful to me there." (NIV).

Here in this place deeply tucked in our hearts we shut out people and God. We have our so called protective or defensive reasons. A place hidden from the prying eyes of others but known only to us and God. A place where we retreat for solace and relief. A place often marked by dark and sinful imaginations. Here we have known repeated failures and the cycling in and out of sin and confession. We promise to do time.

Sadly, there is a place where we fail to acknowledge God because we don't believe He can help us. If we allow Him, God is faithful to open our eyes to see it. And He provides a remedy. When we acknowledge that Assyria (type of our own human strength and resources) has failed and only God can deliver us (Hosea 14:3) He will restore us.

Beloved, what healing and restoration will be ours if we open our hearts for Him to come into the place - there in our hearts - a place which has known deep pain and sorrow - to makes us fruitful and faithful again (Hosea 14:8).

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